I think the greatest strength in my way is the fact that none of the gods tell me what to do or how to live. I'm supposed to think for myself, and figure it out. That can also be seen as the greatest weakness, since to a mind used to religion telling you how to live, it is an amoral, directionless religion ('but you worship the GOD of THIEVES *gasp* THAT MEANS YOU THINK STEALING IS OKAY YOU'RE A BAD PERSON!').
In general, I think the greatest strength of paganism is that it exists, and that it has renewed real interest in ancient and not-so-ancient religions, and contributed to the idea of diversity in the world. The greatest weakness is, I feel, all the so-called 'eclectic' pagans, who do it buffet style. It just... it bothers me, personally. I never say anything to them about it, because that would be rude, but I really honestly wonder how you can pick and choose and really get... a whole religion. I see it as only eating one food group, rather than eating a balanced diet.
POV of an Eclectic paganwolfgirl227June 17 2010, 03:38:07 UTC
i understand your point. but i see being Eclectic as a way of personalizing what i'm doing inside the religion. like you said we are supposed to think for ourselves and figure it out. i pick and choose what feels right and works best for me inside of the religion. for example if the ritual calls for a dark blue candle to represent sky but i feel that dark blue would better suit water, i'll switch it and use yellow for the sun to represent sky. Am i making sense? the rules and laws of the religion still govern me, none of that changes so its still the same religion.
Re: POV of an Eclectic paganmellifluous_inkJune 17 2010, 04:48:55 UTC
You are but I was more talking about things like collage deities, not little inconsequential things like colour symbolism--I mean, colours are so basic and visceral, everyone has different ideas. I associate the colour white with evil and death and suffering, for example.
Re: POV of an Eclectic paganwolfgirl227June 17 2010, 04:56:39 UTC
some people may not consider a color change inconsequential and i'm sorry if you felt like i was attacking you or something that you have replied in a harsh tone. i'm sorry if i wasted your time u obviously know everything;"I was more talking about things like collage deities, not little inconsequential things like colour symbolism--I mean, colours are so basic and visceral". I don't understand what you believe we eclectics do that is so terrible? what do we change that is so frightning to you then? i do believe your take on the color white is cool, i don't remember where but in some places a white cat is considered bad luck and a black cat good luck.
Comments 17
In general, I think the greatest strength of paganism is that it exists, and that it has renewed real interest in ancient and not-so-ancient religions, and contributed to the idea of diversity in the world. The greatest weakness is, I feel, all the so-called 'eclectic' pagans, who do it buffet style. It just... it bothers me, personally. I never say anything to them about it, because that would be rude, but I really honestly wonder how you can pick and choose and really get... a whole religion. I see it as only eating one food group, rather than eating a balanced diet.
However our greatest weakness is how easily the media/hollywood can manipulate our religion and turn it into something false.
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