Those of you whom think this is to shock, amaze, thrill, or just me being an ass and trying to get attention....ehh your probably all a little bit right, but enough with that on to the pissing off and the point :-D
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My biggest problem with this outcry of public sentiment is that we get it for our tragedies, but not the tragedies of other countries, or even less highly publicised tragedies...I saw this article on the AP feed Sunday morning, and it made me much more angry. The shootings in VA were the work of an angry, frustrated young man. This was the work of someone who was crafty and deliberately out to do evil to small children. The two don't even compare in my book.
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The shootings in VA were the work of an angry, frustrated young man. This was the work of someone who was crafty and deliberately out to do evil to small children. The two don't even compare in my book.
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