Where it took place: in my hometown
What set me off: Everything about this situation.
I don't even fucking want to believe it.
Fred Phelps,
Two days ago, almost an entire family in my hometown died in a horrific house fire. Out of twelve people, only two survived; one of them is not yet out of critical condition, and may yet succumb to the burns covering most of his body. Of the ten tragic deaths, six were children.
Of course, Fred, you know all this. Because you, along with your hate-filled, putrescent waste of flesh congregation of fucking Westboro Baptists (who are NOT recognized as Baptists, and ARE recognized as a fucking HATE GROUP) are coming to my town to protest their funerals.
I'll say it again, because I can't believe you are this much of a fucking assmonkey. You are coming from Kansas to Kentucky to protest the funerals of ten people--including six children--who DIED IN A HOUSE FIRE. And you're going to carry signs that say "God Hates Fags" (which is the slogan of your slew of racists, homophobes, and terrorists you call a "congregation" and the rest of the world calls a bunch of fuckwits).
Did you misplace your soul, somewhere along your way to Hell? Your basic human compassion?
What the fuck are you thinking, you ignorant waste of perfectly good oxygen? Where the fuck do you get off bringing your message of hatred and evil to a community mourning a devastating loss?!!? How does a merciful God even allow you to live!?!
God does not hate homosexuals (men and women included), bisexuals, transsexuals, intersexed people, androgynes, asexuals, pansexuals, or any other person whose gender identity and sexual orientation He created them with.
But you know what probably pisses the Old Man off? Ignorant and malicious fuckers like you, who come like vultures in the midst of a community and family's pain and suffering, to inflict more violence and hatred into their world. Ten people will be buried this weekend. A family is in agony. A neighborhood is reeling from shock. A community is grieving.
And you're coming to protest their funerals with signs proclaiming God's hatred of a group who HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ISSUE AT HAND!
Go to hell, asshole. Do not pass God. Do not collect salvation. Go straight to hell, where you fucking belong, and rot there, you motherfucking bastard. I hope your internal organs rupture and your brains bleed out of your eyeballs. I hope you're hit by a bus, breaking every single bone in your body. And when you die, I hope the ENTIRE WORLD fucking CELEBRATES your death.
If the force of my rage could be channeled into something useful like killing people with my brain, I'd kill you, Fred. In a fucking heartbeat, I'd do it and not ever bat an eye.
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