GISHWHES ended! (I love GISHWHES and the insanity it engenders, however getting back to a semblance of normal that does not involve cheese as a fashion statement is nice too)
I finally got a permanent crown! (Julie, due to GISHWHES, instantly wondered what item needed a crown…)
So GISHWHES - the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen - is a scavenger hunt dreamt up by the never normal Misha Collins. The list this year was insane. We took over a hundred beanie babies to the supermarket, I modeled cheese on a classic car, we reenacted Bill and Ted, Jan posed in a special outfit made from 21 pieces of fabric in front of a post office, we made a vehicle of mayhem, Katie made the most epic portrait out of skittles, we depicted the death scene of Galois using legumes, created a newscast about GISHWHES, marched to snare drums in the middle of the mall, created a two ft high dinosaur out of maxi pads, and so much more. (And that was only the part of our team in AZ!) It was amazing and exhausting and embarrassing and exhilarating. I never want to see provolone again.
CROWN - my ongoing dental saga is finally going somewhere and I have a crown! I’ve had temps for so long, that it feels really odd, but also totally normal…like a tooth. SO COOL. I have one more root canal this year (my dentist’s office is amazing at using my insurance money as smartly as possible) and then everything else will happen beginning next year. Health insurance is amazing. As a side note, I really need glasses. My distance vision sucks. However, my company is switching insurance providers and I’ll get vision with the new plan, so I’m waiting till January.
OBAMA - ACK THAT WAS STRESSFUL. I love watching election night. I dislike campaigns, but as the numbers start pouring in and the board changes around and CNN uses their over the top graphics to say the same thing over and over, it’s so exciting! I did get way better info from twitter. From CNN/MSNBC I learned that Obama won. From twitter I learned that Nate Silver did it AGAIN. That the first openly gay senator was elected, that the first Hindu American and the first Buddhist American senators were elected. That two states (Colorado and Washington) legalized recreational pot. That two states (Maine and Maryland) legalized gay marriage, another (Minnesota) defeated a proposed ban on gay marriage, and that Washington also voted on gay marriage, but we don’t have results yet. Elizabeth Warren beat Scott Brown, Akin and Mourdock (aka, republicans who say stupid things about rape) are both out. Bridget McCormack won. Kyrsten Sinema may be the one success in AZ. (Arpaio still in, Flake in, Romney wins by ridic margin…why do I live here!?!?)
I called Jan as soon as I was positive Obama had it. I refused to believe CNN when they called Ohio with only 71% of the vote in, but once Colorado was called it was good and Jan and I flipped out together. I don’t think Wilson was really expecting my excitement level over election night. Morgan and I watched the whole thing obsessively and Dennis pouted in his room to loud techno.