This is not a stupid survery, no sir-ee-bob. It isn't a normal pageant either. I don't know HOW I came up with this idea.
For this assignment you will have to deal with celebrities. Make four celebrity couples that you think would go well together, and say why. Include pictures of the celebrities, if you don't know how to get pictures on the screen the HTML is included below. Do not use couples that are already dating, or in a high profile relationship with each other, but you can use celebrities that are in a relationship with a different celebrity than the person that you pair them with though. Get it? If not, please contact me.
If you have already been cut, or if you have not entered the paegant at all before this, this is not the time to fill out this assignment. When I finish this pageant there will be another, so keep watching this communtiy for the next one.
The HTML for getting pictures on the screen:
THANKS! I will post soon and give you a due date.