We live in a crazy time, when people who make food choices that are healthy and compassionate are often considered weird, while people are considered normal whose eating habits promote disease and are dependent on enormous suffering. -- John Robbins
It's not even at the point now where I want meat anymore: veggie burgers and facon and hot dogs are so much yummier, I think of a Quarter Pounder now and feel sick at the thought.
I wander through Woolworths and feel sick when I see the meat fridges making their attack on the store. All those piles of pink meat - and all I can see is a calf, a piglet, a chikkin.
People say being a vegetarian is difficult. It's not really that hard; most of the problem comes from food in our society being largely meat-based and mostly over-processed. People say that vegetarians are anaemic and unhealthy: 100g of facon provides 3.5g iron (20% of RDI for women). The same amount of bacon contains half as much.
I really think that in the end, it seems that not eating meat is healthier and more ecological (20 vegetarians could be fed on the amount of grain produced to feed one omnivore). If your main problems with it come down to how difficult it is, it is up to us to make it a more mainstream dietary choice, or if you just love meat so much, ask yourself if your one life is worth cruelly slaughtering thousands of animals and wasting agriculture by using it incredibly inefficiently. We may be plump first world babies; that doesn't mean we need to go to such extravagant excesses because we can.