Aug 15, 2009 19:41
[Sounds of her steps; pretty heavy.]
That woman is at it again. And what kind of kid's drawing is this....
[You hear a sound of a faint twirling wind then suddenly ends with a sharp faint sound. A door opens as her feet continues to move. Then brutally pauses cause, ah ha ha ha, something caught her by surprise. Is that a couple thonks in the background?]
...This isn't part of the building.
[And here comes a loud RAWR!]
[[ooc: Ah ha ha ha, so Little Washu is having her little revenge. Any door Kureha goes through is completely random and may have a monster on the other side. Thanks Washu. ^^; It's only effecting her. Mods, if there's a problem with this; please let us know. >>;]]
gotta save my son,
washu is at it again,
damnit woman toddler