T M3G4M4N T (8:10:00 PM): sup bro!
Lawnwake IV (8:11:25 PM): OSCARRR mah nigga
T M3G4M4N T (8:12:12 PM): haha.
T M3G4M4N T (8:12:14 PM): was goin on man?
Lawnwake IV (8:14:16 PM): nahhhhh.
Lawnwake IV (8:14:29 PM): playin me some WoW, eatin me some breakfast food
Lawnwake IV (8:14:47 PM): EGGO'S. <3
T M3G4M4N T (8:14:53 PM): fer rlz.
T M3G4M4N T (8:15:01 PM): i like poptarts tambien.
T M3G4M4N T (8:15:14 PM): oh!
Lawnwake IV (8:15:15 PM): yeshh
T M3G4M4N T (8:15:36 PM): and wow= gay, time-consuming, fgts.
Lawnwake IV (8:15:58 PM): if you're retarded about it, yes
Lawnwake IV (8:16:14 PM): i havent played in over a week, and when i do play it's for like 2-3 hours maybe
Lawnwake IV (8:16:20 PM): and i only play if i have nothing else to do
T M3G4M4N T (8:16:41 PM): i only say that cuz i dun have it.
T M3G4M4N T (8:16:46 PM): ))))))))))))))))))) :
Lawnwake IV (8:16:49 PM): PLUS dual compies = i dont neglect my friendsszszszs i talk just as much as i usually do
T M3G4M4N T (8:16:53 PM): 50 chin sadness.
Lawnwake IV (8:16:54 PM): aww : (((((((((
Lawnwake IV (8:17:11 PM): the sadder you are, the more mouths and chins you have
T M3G4M4N T (8:17:43 PM): lolo its true!
T M3G4M4N T (8:17:49 PM): its so fucking true.
Lawnwake IV (8:17:57 PM): xD
T M3G4M4N T (8:17:58 PM): its so fucking ucking fucking mucking glucking true.
T M3G4M4N T (8:18:11 PM): like im sad right now.
T M3G4M4N T (8:18:17 PM): and i have like 34290873409264 chins.
T M3G4M4N T (8:18:19 PM): x 2.
Lawnwake IV (8:18:21 PM): lmao
Lawnwake IV (8:18:23 PM): hahahah
T M3G4M4N T (8:18:36 PM): plus, i work at an ice cream shoppe.
T M3G4M4N T (8:18:44 PM): so when i get down.
T M3G4M4N T (8:18:46 PM): they tell me.
T M3G4M4N T (8:18:59 PM): "get out of the strawberry ice cream oscar, or your fired."
T M3G4M4N T (8:19:02 PM): but i dont listen.
T M3G4M4N T (8:19:14 PM): and i pull out my wiener and slap the boss lady in the face.
T M3G4M4N T (8:19:18 PM): and she explodes.
T M3G4M4N T (8:19:28 PM): cuz my wiener is explosive power.
Lawnwake IV (8:19:33 PM): xDD
T M3G4M4N T (8:19:34 PM): and then i run off.
Lawnwake IV (8:19:44 PM): is she allergic to hot mansausage?
T M3G4M4N T (8:19:46 PM): grabbing people with my hand-feet.
Lawnwake IV (8:19:52 PM): or is it just the dynamite strapped to it
T M3G4M4N T (8:20:04 PM): and launching them into my penis for nourishment.
Lawnwake IV (8:20:14 PM): HAHA
T M3G4M4N T (8:20:17 PM): no dude.
T M3G4M4N T (8:20:23 PM): my penis is just explosive power.
Lawnwake IV (8:20:44 PM): aw shit son
Lawnwake IV (8:20:56 PM): howd you teach it that trick?
T M3G4M4N T (8:21:29 PM): it takes a ton of training.
T M3G4M4N T (8:21:37 PM): plus, you need the penis gauntlets.
Lawnwake IV (8:21:46 PM): CHECK.
T M3G4M4N T (8:21:48 PM): which are sometimes dropped byt the monsters in the rygar forest.
Lawnwake IV (8:22:06 PM): motherfucking trolls
T M3G4M4N T (8:22:08 PM): then you need to find the gnome ninja master.
Lawnwake IV (8:22:18 PM): and boongie monsters
Lawnwake IV (8:22:21 PM): and gnomes
T M3G4M4N T (8:22:24 PM): hell teach you oncce you defeat him at a game of tiddly winks.
Lawnwake IV (8:22:25 PM): gnome ninjas at that
T M3G4M4N T (8:22:34 PM): but even then.
T M3G4M4N T (8:22:46 PM): you need the fourth gym badge in order to use it outside of battle.
T M3G4M4N T (8:22:57 PM): which = )))))))))))))))))))))))) :
Lawnwake IV (8:23:01 PM): oh that's ok
Lawnwake IV (8:23:13 PM): i've got my VOLCANO BADGE
T M3G4M4N T (8:23:17 PM): cuz the fourth gym leader is the boongy trool gnome master ninja manthing.
T M3G4M4N T (8:23:22 PM): troll*
T M3G4M4N T (8:23:24 PM): my apologies
T M3G4M4N T (8:23:27 PM): silly me.
Lawnwake IV (8:23:35 PM): aw fux i skipped him :[
T M3G4M4N T (8:23:36 PM): trools are only found in pallet town.
T M3G4M4N T (8:23:44 PM): and are friendly to man and beast alike.
T M3G4M4N T (8:23:49 PM): (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( :
T M3G4M4N T (8:24:01 PM): does it work backwards?
Lawnwake IV (8:24:03 PM): :
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) CHINS OF JOY
T M3G4M4N T (8:24:08 PM): gosh im so confused.
T M3G4M4N T (8:24:28 PM): MRO LIEK DETACHED CHINS OF JOY MIRITE?!!!!?!?!?1!1?!?2!??!!!?1!?1?!!1?1//1/11/1/1/1ONEONEONEONEONEONEOENOENSLAHS
T M3G4M4N T (8:25:33 PM): CUZ I R LAUGH.
Lawnwake IV (8:25:59 PM): ya ucz liEK wHEN U LAffin ist knida hard @ tpyep
Lawnwake IV (8:26:08 PM): LOL!
T M3G4M4N T (8:26:14 PM): ZI TRUUUU CZU.
Lawnwake IV (8:26:22 PM): IT TURE
Lawnwake IV (8:26:24 PM): IT TURE
T M3G4M4N T (8:26:31 PM): lmao!
T M3G4M4N T (8:26:33 PM): stop.
T M3G4M4N T (8:26:38 PM): imgunadiesoon.
Lawnwake IV (8:26:46 PM): kmetooandthatsnevergood
T M3G4M4N T (8:26:53 PM): itsnotgoodowhenonedies
T M3G4M4N T (8:26:59 PM): thenyouhaftarestartwithoutyourarmor.
Lawnwake IV (8:27:12 PM): yathatsalwaysabitchanditsevenworse
T M3G4M4N T (8:27:16 PM): andthatsuckscuzthenyouhaftafacethebadguysyoufailedtobeatonvemore.
Lawnwake IV (8:27:21 PM): whenyourespawnnexttothescorpionwoman
T M3G4M4N T (8:27:33 PM): ihatethescorpionwoman.
Lawnwake IV (8:27:52 PM): myspacebarjustfuckingdisappeared
T M3G4M4N T (8:27:53 PM): shesafuckinslutlikeitoldherilovedherandshejustlisteenedandsuckedsomeguysdicklikerightinfrontofme.
Lawnwake IV (8:28:07 PM): thatsnotgoodspacebarismymacroforthesuperduperkillyouspell
T M3G4M4N T (8:28:27 PM): myspacebargotmoodyandsaid"fuckthisshit,imgoingbackhometowichita.
T M3G4M4N T (8:28:32 PM): endquote.
Lawnwake IV (8:28:46 PM): yeahmetooomgthatfuckingscorpionwoman.
T M3G4M4N T (8:29:00 PM): sheshotbutshelikefuckedeveryniggerieversawed.
Lawnwake IV (8:29:01 PM): LOLZWHITESTRIPES
T M3G4M4N T (8:29:03 PM): liekever.
Lawnwake IV (8:29:09 PM): ya4realz
T M3G4M4N T (8:29:17 PM): andthenthewhitestripessaid.
Lawnwake IV (8:29:18 PM): ithoughtwereallyhadsomethinggoingyouknow
Lawnwake IV (8:29:29 PM): imeaniwaswithherforlike3weeks
T M3G4M4N T (8:29:34 PM): "fromthisdayhence,allspacebarsarefromwichita!!!!"
Lawnwake IV (8:29:52 PM): andtheycelebrated!
Lawnwake IV (8:30:01 PM): byplayingasimpledrumbeat
T M3G4M4N T (8:30:02 PM): withmanydancingmonkeys.
T M3G4M4N T (8:30:05 PM): whohatedmyshirt
T M3G4M4N T (8:30:13 PM): andthrewfecesuponthegroundiwalked.
T M3G4M4N T (8:30:21 PM): cuzmyshirtwasaliltacky.
Lawnwake IV (8:30:26 PM): likethisboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOPboompBOP
T M3G4M4N T (8:30:39 PM): fuckinghatsoundslikeafuckingbopit.
Lawnwake IV (8:30:41 PM): monkeyshaveexcellentfashionsense
T M3G4M4N T (8:30:59 PM): iread"moskeyshave"andilaughedandlaughed.
T M3G4M4N T (8:31:04 PM): moskeys.
T M3G4M4N T (8:31:18 PM): rolfrolfrolfrolfrolfrolfrolf
Lawnwake IV (8:31:21 PM): iloldjustnowforrealzatthat
Lawnwake IV (8:31:38 PM): teehee,moskeys.thatssilly.thatsthatsridiculous
T M3G4M4N T (8:31:49 PM): imean,whatsamoskey?!!?!?!?!
T M3G4M4N T (8:31:57 PM): itsnotamos.
T M3G4M4N T (8:32:05 PM): whcichissometimesconfusediwithmost.
Lawnwake IV (8:32:09 PM): somekindaderogatoryslangforarussian?frommoscow?
T M3G4M4N T (8:32:15 PM): rofl.
T M3G4M4N T (8:32:19 PM): dudeillbrb.
Lawnwake IV (8:32:23 PM): k
T M3G4M4N T (8:34:17 PM): goshdudethanksforthis.
T M3G4M4N T (8:34:32 PM): iwasfeelingreallydownbeforethis.
T M3G4M4N T (8:34:39 PM): andthismademefeelhappyz.
T M3G4M4N T (8:34:43 PM): glacias.
T M3G4M4N T (8:34:51 PM): (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( :
Lawnwake IV (8:35:17 PM): denada ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Lawnwake IV (8:35:35 PM): thxtomeforgettingthespaceigiveyouretardedsmileywithmanyears
T M3G4M4N T (8:36:25 PM): lolo
T M3G4M4N T (8:36:34 PM): yumakemelafffunniezboiiii
Lawnwake IV (8:36:55 PM): lolzumaekmelaff2USOCRAYZEE
T M3G4M4N T (8:41:51 PM): iluqt.
Lawnwake IV (8:42:15 PM): lolzzz
T M3G4M4N T (8:42:19 PM): goshsometimesiwishtherewasawayinwhichicouldseeyousometimez.
Lawnwake IV (8:43:53 PM): :Oohmyandwhyisthisugonrapeme?
Lawnwake IV (8:44:15 PM): nnaahhjkbutporque
T M3G4M4N T (8:44:22 PM): juwanmetosweetie
T M3G4M4N T (8:44:27 PM): cuzicanrapelikenoother
T M3G4M4N T (8:44:39 PM): iveheardfromsomequizzedrapees.
T M3G4M4N T (8:44:52 PM): whenaskedhowgoodtherapewas.
T M3G4M4N T (8:44:57 PM): 9outof10rapeesagree
T M3G4M4N T (8:45:12 PM): oscarisangrierandmoreviolent.
Lawnwake IV (8:45:15 PM): welltheninthatcasethepoopfactoryisopenforbusiness
T M3G4M4N T (8:45:20 PM): andhellcallyouinthemorning
Lawnwake IV (8:45:28 PM): (HAHAHAHomfgthatsgreat,quizzedrapeesxD)
T M3G4M4N T (8:45:29 PM): roglglgtorlo
T M3G4M4N T (8:45:47 PM): poopfactory?
T M3G4M4N T (8:45:51 PM): didwejustsaythat?
T M3G4M4N T (8:45:58 PM): awjezzz.
Lawnwake IV (8:45:58 PM): yeahithinkwedid
Lawnwake IV (8:46:06 PM): nowedidntthatwasyou
Lawnwake IV (8:46:11 PM): ididntsayanythingatall
Lawnwake IV (8:46:13 PM): likeever
T M3G4M4N T (8:46:13 PM): weregunnahaftacutthatoutfromtheshow.
Lawnwake IV (8:46:27 PM): yeahmaybecuttoabreakandedititoutbeforebroadcast
T M3G4M4N T (8:46:46 PM): omgoshthisisgoingonljunderandljcut.
T M3G4M4N T (8:46:52 PM): cuzitmightbetoolongforsomeeyes.
Lawnwake IV (8:47:00 PM): yayayayayayayayayay
boredom. she took me like a jackhammer to the face. and is it sad that i feel like a girl when i post these.?