Name: Gabriel Milton
Age: 36
Species: Mutant
Alias: The Trickster
Abilities: Reality warping. Can create pocket dimensions built to his specifications (think like an Architect in Inception), manifest detailed illusions, and change the physical make-up of living beings.
Weaknesses: Pocket dimensions must be contained by four walls- can't just manifest a pocket dimension out in the middle of an open field or in a busy city street- it has to be inside a building and to hold it together, he has to maintain total concentration. Is not a physical fighter- relies heavily on his abilities.
Status: Independent Mutant, wanted for murder.
Notoriety: Has a criminal record in three states and those are just the ones that convicted him of murder. Most mutant bounty hunters have heard of him, if not outright met him head-on. And most mutants have mixed feelings about him.
History: TBA