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Comments 19

coltanheart February 9 2009, 08:37:52 UTC
Saved 46-48. :) Lovely work.


chanteur_dombre February 12 2009, 09:00:18 UTC

Can I get you to put names on some of them for me??


whensheflies February 12 2009, 19:32:47 UTC
Yes, sure, just let me know where, how, and which ones.


chanteur_dombre February 13 2009, 11:28:18 UTC
K, on 22 & 23, may I have a fancy-ass capital N in emerald green, in a font that looks like it should be gilded at the beginning of a book chapter if that makes sense. Stick it in a corner not one her face.

On 24 & 25 may I have the same thing, but not as fancy a font.

On 25 & 26 may I have her first name in a black font that looks like neat cursive handwriting

Demanding Chan is demanding. But ILYF so you don't mind.



whensheflies February 14 2009, 04:53:53 UTC
Let me know if THIS link works. i hope i got all that right.

love love love


unlikeothers February 17 2009, 15:56:55 UTC
These are amazing, I love the Emma Watson ones. I saved 36 and 40 and will credit when I use them =)


justjamoe August 4 2009, 21:58:47 UTC
Saved Emma Watson number 39 and 45


thank youuu


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