Contents - The Masterlist

Sep 10, 2030 17:20

In the interests of keeping a tidy journal and because I do love a good filing session every now and again, here is a master post to collect everything ficcy together. Hopefully the following list is going to be expanding considerably in the next few months...



Corridors of Power
-  Mycroft is a busy man, but he really does worry about his little brother constantly. A moment with Mycroft during The Great Game. Mild Mycroft/Anthea. (G)

Barely Scratched the Surface
- Sherlock is observant. John, regrettably, is not. A moment from the end of The Blind Banker. Pre-slash Sherlock/John. (G)

- Sometimes what you need is a long conversation. Or a series of short ones. (R)


Heavy Heart (multi-chapter)
- John finally knows what he's got, but it's gone missing. Set roughly a year after The Great Game. Sherlock/John,  Mycroft/Anthea. (R, rising to NC-17.)

Cabin Pressure/Sherlock Crossovers


- Martin is coming to stay, Molly cannot wait. Then a stranger shows up in her lab. (PG)


On That Midnight Street (multi-chapter)
- MJN Air is chartered to fly a dead man back home to Ireland. Carolyn is determined that there will be no mishaps, Molly is determined to enjoy flying and Douglas is determined to play cupid. Oh, and Arthur is determined to be cheerful. (PG, rising to R.)

tidy, fic, masterpost

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