wallpaper tutorial

Jun 01, 2007 17:01

Made in photoshop 7.

I made this is Photoshop 7, and there is one selective colour layer.
If you leave out step 3, its probably translatable to Pain Shop Pro.
You will need knowledge of some Photoshop tools to do this.

I will be using these two pictures of Drew Barrymore which I got originally from http://www.drew-barrymore.net/

I chose these two pictures because they’re both Hires, and both have white backgrounds.
I’d recommend pictures with plain backgrounds.

1. Open up a canvas and flood fill with white (#ffffff) I used a 1024x768 canvas.
Copy and paste your pictures onto the canvas, scale to fit and rotate as desired.
Using the lasso tool, and I got rid of any over lapping backgrounds.

2. Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Brightness and Contrast.

You want to make the picture very contrasty. The settings I used were;

Brightness : 35 // Contrast : 60

3. The images are very orangy/brown now, and I wanted to make them more red.

Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Selective Colour.

I used these settings;

RED; -100, 0, 0, 0
YELLOW; 100, 0, -100, 0
NEAUTRALS; 25, -35, -20
BLACK; 0, 0, 0, 25

& then I added a second Selective Colour layer;

RED; -100, 0, 0, 0
YELLOW; 0, 0, -100, 0

4. Then use THIS texture. I got this originally from http://krisnreine.com/?page_id=15

Paste it onto your canvas, and lower the opacity to about 60% for now, just so you can see the images underneath.

5. Using the lasso tool, select around the pictures like so.

Go to; Select >> Feather >> 20px.

Then press DELETE once or twice as needed.

6. On the texture layer, increase the opacity back to 100%. Duplicate and set to soft light.

7. Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Levels

Use these settings;

25, 1.00, 255

8. Add any text you want.

I wrote the words ‘Drew Barrymore’ in the font LainieDaySH and the colour #CB6665

Under it, I wrote ‘Live For The Moment’ in Carnivalee Freakshow, colour # 925656.

I added drop shadows to both text layers to make them more visible and give them more depth.

& you’re done =)
I am crap at explaining, so do comment if you need any help.

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