I cried so much last night... I would have cried more if my adoring public hadn't come to see me. I love you, Adoring Public. And I love my cast.
And now, for your pleasure and entertainment, I give you....
First, presenting Helmut von Heimlich.
You should see my maneuvers.
And gentlemen, worry not. If you are ever choking, Helmut will be right behind you, if you know what I mean.
Me and my director
Me and Lauren, my AYO little
Heidi... Beedle de deedle de dee, one lady!
Beedle de deedle de dee, two ladies!
Changing from Heidi On Steroids to Kampfy the Boy Scout. His full name is Kampfy von Fuhrerstein.
My banker costume had a problem... Ja, ja, Rosie will help!
I love them all. Ariane, my body double and long-lost twin, is lying on the floor, third from the left.