Awww, I'm sorry you lost your money and change purse!! Just pretend you never got the money from the buy back guys. Then its like only losing a dollar! I'm going to request off of work today (for Tuesday) and Lizz is welcome to come with me and help with a drugged up Brianne.
and...I'm glad you had a fun day minus the money loss!
Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I love you and your helpfulness. I also had a dream with you, lizz, me, dominic and billy boyd in it. It was set in my grandma's old house and lizz went out on a date with billy and dominic called me and you joined us, but somehow I lost my glasses. They were in the old room that I used to sleep in at my grandma's house. You and Dom had a great conversation. It was an odd dream, but everyone seemed to have a good time. I think your mom appeared in it too ; ). Call me if you want to hang out tonight because I work tomorrow night and am leaving for the weekend so i'm not gonna get to see you very much before you go. That goes for Lizz and Emily too!
Comments 2
and...I'm glad you had a fun day minus the money loss!
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