A is for AGE:
15+, nine months away from sweet sixteen.
B is for BOYFRIEND's name
Johnny Depp &heart;. Ah single! (:
C is for CAREER:
Journalist? Lawyer (but dad'll say no, and I can't speak sense for the life of me)? Bartender (EHEH)?
D is for DAD's name:
Kenneth Au-Yong Kok Keong
E is for ESSENTIAL item to bring on an airplane:
Journal. There's nothing to do, so write lor.
F is for FAVORITE song at the moment:
Recommendation - Mirah
Ying! Xiu!
H is for HOMETOWN:
I is for INSTRUMENTS you play:
Piano, occasional strumming on guitar!
J is for JAM or JELLY you like:
Strawberry! Anything strawberry I like.
K is for KIDS:
Absolutely. Assuming I don't have to worry about finances, I want 3! 2 boys and a girl.
L is for LIVING arrangements:
In a cosy flat with my dad mom and sis!
M is for MOM's name:
Chua Mooi Lee
N is for NAME of your best friend(s):
Oh. See girlfriends! (:
O is for OVERNIGHT hospital stay:
On 12th September, 1990, 8pm, discharged 13th/14th/15th (something like that). That's all.
P is for PHOBIA[s]:
Q is for QUOTE you hate/like:
"Confucius say, if you are bad boy, you go to jail!"
R is for RELATIONSHIP that lasted the longest:
S is for SINGER(s) you like most:
Fiona Apple, Jared Leto
T is for TIME you woke up today:
U is for UNIQUE trait:
My face is a suitable shade of red. Um I sing and dance in public.
V is for VEGETABLE you love:
RAW please, I absolutely hate cooked veg.
W is for WORST habit:
Never starting.
X is for X-RAYS you've had:
Mei you.
Y is for YUMMY food you make/bake:
Um pasta? Mushroom soup? Cookies?