Title: Born To:
Fic Challenge: 064. Balance, Kyuhyun/Kyuhyun
Author: kayjayloves
Chapter: Drabble
Pairing: Kyu!centric
Band: Super Junior
Genre: introspection
Rating: G
Warning: None
Disclaimer: Don't own these boys, just my interpretations of them.
Synopsis: Inhale the damage smoothly/paradise isn't lost/It was hiding all along
Comments: original post
here Kyuhyun was born to succeed - determination and the bold hues of talent coloring his future. He can sing, will always sing (and sing well), and it’s the one-way train ticket to everything; it lands him in a group of entertainers and actors, puppeteers and puppets.
Super Junior is a concept that pushes him out of his element, lands him as the bottom rung of a hierarchy, the magnae - a role he’s never deemed fit to fill. He takes it in stride, with camouflaged bitterness and healthy doses of sarcasm, and he sings his best - smiles at how good it sounds amongst the rest.
Kyuhyun’s life comes crashing down in splinters of metal and bone - sets him counting backwards to days suddenly long gone, ignoring (forward) the implications of time. He finds himself suddenly staring the makeshift ties of old-young boys in the eyes, twelve worried faces and the whispers of an accident, his voice - what next, what next in their expressions.
Kyuhyun survives, because Kyuhyun knows he was born to succeed, and he will sing, always sing (and sing well). Because he’s not going to fail, and the scars and bruises are fading but the ache always stays. Kyuhyun gets back up and sings louder than ever - faces spot lights and heartaches.
He travels through countries and friendships and moments of doubt, and somewhere along the line he loses a little bright-eyed childhood and some of that teenage arrogance. He breaks some hearts and mends his own, and once or twice he touches the sun without burning his fingers. He gets a taste of fear, and hate, and the laced insanity inside it all, and:
Kyuhyun sang a spot into a group, a direction into his life, a melody and a song (wrapped with gift box emotions) into listening ears. He was born to.