Battlestar Galactica Drabbles
Title: Lost
Word Count: 101
Challenge: Bet
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Apollo/???
He lost the bet; Brendan couldn’t believe he lost the bet. How could he lose the bet? Everyone knew that Starbuck and Apollo wanted to frak each other. Everyone on the ship had seen them circle each other for over three years. It was the obviously bet. Then Gaeta said he saw the Captain with someone in the showers. He grabbed it as fast as he could and doubled the bet. If only Gaeta had seen more, anything to let him know it wasn’t Starbuck.
And what he really wanted to know was how did Racetrack know who to bet on?
Title: What the Frak
Challenge: Crossover
Word Count: 108
Characters/Pairings: Lt Foley and Star
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: A crossover with three show, I hope you like it.
“That was close but what the frak is the fleet doing on this rock?”
“You’re a woman!?”
“Real fast on the uptake there Lee. And here I thought your first question would be what the frak am I doing alive.”
“What the hell are you talking about and why aren’t you back at Bastone lady.”
“Lady, I’m no lady…You’re not Apollo frak. This is Earth still isn’t it frak.”
“Dam, are you nuts. Medic!!”
“At least your not a sissy navy boy this time. Hey guys you frak up again.”
“Who the hell are you yelling at. What the hell, where the hell did you go?!?”