StarGate: Atlantis and Universe
Title: Annulled
Word Count: 128
Characters/Pairings: Carson/Sheppard
Rating: G
"annulled, a n n u l l e d, annulled"
"Thank you John, next round, Carson coitus please."
"Coitus, c o i t u s, Coitus"
"Thank you Carson, John Please spell extracurricular.”
“Sure thing Dr. Wier, extracurricular, e x t r a c u r i c u l a r, extracurricular”
“I’m sorry that’s not right, Carson you get this right then you win. Your word is confidentiality.”
“Ahh, confidentiality, c o n f I d e n t i a l i t y, confidentiality”
“That’s right Carson, you’re this month’s winner”
“You know what this means major?”
“You get all the pizza you can eat like every months Doc.”
“That too, but we had a bet remember.”
“Right, this means night I’m on bottom.”
Title: Carson
Word Count: 102
Characters/Pairings: Carson, Peter
Rating: G
“Where the hell did that came from?” Carson exploded looking up from his lunch.
“You mean you hadn’t heard?” Peter responded in surprise, “I thought the whole city knew by now.”
“Are you trying to tell me that Rodney and the Major are seeing each other and everyone knows?…I bloody well didn’t know!”
“Well, yes you didn’t know before but you do now. Are you sure you didn’t know?”
“Ah, I think I would remember something like this Peter…they have nothing in common.”
“They both like math…”
“I guess you don’t have to have that much in common, what’s that saying, opposites attract.”
Title: Costume
Word Count: 94
Characters/Pairings: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: G
Author's Notes: I hope you like it, I’m sorry for taking so long.
“I can’t believe I’m wearing this.”
“Believe it Major, you lost the bet. It was your idea reminder”
“That was just bad luck and she didn’t have to forfeit.”
“But she did so Tayle won the game and you lost the bet.”
“Why this McKay, of all the things?”
“What things, Atlantis doesn’t have a costume shop.”
“Why this?”
“I have it, come on or will miss the party.”
“I will get you for this McKay, I will.”
“Not one word Lieutenant. Not one.”
“But it’s pink Sir.”
“I need an orange.”
Title: Tighter
Word Count:130
Rating: FRT-13
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters/Pairings: Mckay/Lorne,
Summary: Something happens and Lorne is there for Rodney.
Author's Notes: I hope you like it.
I started running the moment Rodney’s panicked voice called for a medic; it scared me far more than any Wraith could. My heart, my world, stopped the moment he looked up at me, his face was streaked in dark crimson and his eyes, his eyes looked so scared and lost. In that moment nothing else mattered, before he’d taken a step I was there grabbing him, holding him as I felt his hands grab me in return. I ran a hand through his hair as I whispered into his ear telling him he was safe, he was ok. He just grabbed me tighter, so tight I didn’t know how I was breathing. But as I looked down at the lifeless eyes of Sheppard I only wished he’d grab me tighter.
Title: Again
Word Count: 86
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Carson/Sheppard
“What do you mean again, it’s been over a two month since we watched it last, Carson,”
“Really has it been that long…your counting from when we watched the first part aren’t you,”
“Don’t give me that look…you look just like Roe when you do that. Hey put that pillow down,”
“Make me Major…if you can.”
“Is that a challe-”
“Should we tell them their radio is on?”
“No Peter I don’t think we should.”
“And miss Carson besting Sheppard, no Elizabeth is right.”
Title: Possibly
Word Count: 65
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Carson/Sheppard
“Possibly, maybe…”
“I can work with that”
“I didn’t say yes Major”
“But possibly isn’t a no, and most guys would have said no”
“I didn’t say no because I do like spending time with you…what are you doing with my notebook?”
“I’m making sure that I pick a date that you don’t have anything else…and that the next morning is clear to Doc”
Title: Sheppard/Mckay
Word Count: 61
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Sheppard/Mckay
“So are we or aren’t we”
“I don’t know, I’ve just started looking over that database and-
“We stopped. Why did we stop?”
“We are staying right here till I get a answer”
“Major, I don’t know. If Zelenka has-“
“Rodney, do you want to stay out here forever, because we can.”
“Fine, Yes I’ll go out with you Sheppard.”
Title: Calm Planet
Word Count: 61
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Scott and Greer
“I do believe this is the most boring planet in this galaxy Sir, I think I like it.”
“Greer did you really just say that? Do you really hate being bored that much?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Lieutenant.”
“So it wasn’t you who just last week pointed out that ever mission seemed to go to hell the moment someone pointed out how nice it was going.”
“Did I say that, doesn’t sound like something I’d say, maybe it was Volker.”
“I’m sure it was-“
*Everyone get down to the lake now*
“-I’m going to shoot you.”
Title: Dinner
Word Count: 162
bdsm_fandom: Four Sentences: SGA: Lorne/Sheppard - AU - Lorne decides to say thank you to his sub by marking him in front of everyone at the collaring ceremony on Thanksgiving
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Lorne/Sheppard
Lorne knew he was going to do it the moment Weir said they should go around the table and say what they were thankful for; he knew what he was thankful for without having to think about it. He could see the confusion in John’s eyes when he pulled him up to stand next to him; he could also see the trust in the way his boy didn’t even hesitate to stand next to him thou he didn’t know what was coming next.
“What I’m thankful for, I’m thankful for John and his gift to me; it’s the most precious gift I’ve ever been given and one I’m proud to claim as mine,” he told them all. He never took his eyes off his boy as he leaned forward and kissed his boy on the neck right next to the collar, smiling at the red impression he left behind when it was over and they sat back down; John never stopped grinning.
*the collaring ceremony didn’t quite make it in but I hope you like it anyways
Title: Help letting go
Word Count: 105
bdsm_fandom June 2012Fill: SGA: Lorne/Sheppard - Sometimes being a dom means making the hard decisions, like choosing between comforting and punishing when a stunt goes wrong.
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Lorne/Sheppard
He forced himself to breathe and not run across the apartment to John’s side but to slowly walk to his kneeling sub; a kneeling sub that looked completely broken and ready to fall apart, but not in the good way.
He wanted to hug and hold his boy, to tell him it would be already even if they both knew the words to be a lie but that wasn’t that his boy needed, not tonight.
John needed to be disciplined and told he messed up, forced to face his mistake so that maybe, just maybe he could help his boy let go of the guilt.