Band of Brothers: Winter and Nixon Gen Drabbles
Title: Map Making
Word Count: 100
Challenge: 103 Stripes
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Nixon
They had done it, from aerial photos and talking with people they had done it. They had made a battle ground of sand.
They were just lines in the sand, piles and mounds of sand. They were sculpted; they were packed and carved to perfection. He looked around; it was the Normandy peninsula in miniature, down to the last detail. The buildings, the trees and water ways, they were perfect, and they would do.
Nixon looked around the room at the others working with him to make this happen, they’d earned their stripes. Now it was time for a drink.
Title: Watching
Word Count: 97
Characters/Pairings: Bull and Winters
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Not what I wanted but…
Bull watched as Major Winters sat at his table on the balcony over looking the party. Everyone was celebrating the anniversary of D-day. But Winters was just watching…watching from above. Bull slowly drank from his glass as he watched Nixon and Welsh stop by Winters table and talked for a minute then moved on, leaving Winters alone again. Bull moved closer to the staircase as he still watched the Major. As he made his way up the stairs he saw Speirs stop by for a word or two then he also moved on. Every one moved on.
Title: Something new
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Nixon, or anyone if you want
Rating: G
Author's Notes: it’s odd but I hope you like it.
He’d never done this before, never wanted to really. He never liked swimming; he’d done it as little as he could at Yale. He just didn’t like that way water made him feel, he couldn’t move in it very well and he wasn’t looking to learn before now, but now he was. He felt like he was floating, staring up that the trees and the sky above. The large branches shielding him against the sun, he could feel it’s warmth but wasn’t blinded by it. It was nice; he could stay here forever, just drifting along forever content with him.
Title: What we see
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Winters
Rating: G
Author's Notes: one it’s odd as well but I like it.
They’re everywhere, I can’t seem to rid myself of them. Leaving Mourmelon didn’t change anything, Pairs isn’t any better, it was harder in fact. There are more people, more faces to remind me of all those who have been wounded or…have been killed. Even in the dark of night they still follow me. I can’t escape them so at last I face them when a young boy reminds me of them again, reminds me of the crossroad. But they still don’t leave. They still haunt me as I the walk through the streets of the city. And they always will.
Title: My Decision
Challenge: 38 Freedom
Word Count: 76
Characters/Pairings: Nixon
Rating: G
I’ve been trapped my entire life. Trapped by rules that even I can’t break. Forced down a road I don’t want, for a man I don’t like, because of my last name. I’ve never had a say in any of the major parts of my life, not my schooling, my jobs, my wife. All picked for me. Even the army, picked by the government not me.
But the Airborne, the Airborne was my choice, my decision.
Title: Party Hard
Challenge: 41 Chaos
Word Count: 98
Characters/Pairings: Nixon
Rating: PG
It was the biggest party he’d ever seen, and that saying something. The liquor of Goering’s cellar was flowing faster that the Rhine and the men and DP’s were everywhere, dancing, kissing, talking, and more. They’d lived! And now they were going to prove it, to themselves and everyone around them. The streets were filled, bathed in the light pouring out of every window. The blackouts were a thing of the past and there was light shining everywhere coming out of every window and they were dancing in the light.. The war was over and they were alive!
Title: The End of Easy
Challenge: 42 Pain
Word Count: 114
Characters/Pairings: Winters
Rating: G
It hurt to know Easy was going to be gone. It was one thing to know that it was going to live on with Speirs. Whatever his faults Speirs was a good man, a good leader. A man he could trust Easy with. But he wouldn’t have Easy now. No one would. The 101st was to be deactivated and with it Easy. It wasn’t just a name it wasn’t just a call sign over the radio it…it was Easy. And it would be gone forever. Oh-they may bring an Easy back but it wouldn’t be the same, it couldn’t, the people wouldn’t be there and that what Easy was. And that’s why it hurt.
Title: Lake Glow
Challenge: Gold
Word Count: 101
Characters/Pairings: Winters
Rating: G
The lake seemed to glow at dawn. And it glowed all day under the sun but in the morning it was better. That’s part of why he did it. It wasn’t just the morning swim that got him out here, it was the view. He wished he could show it to Nix. It filled him with warmth, and Nix need that he really did. The water was never as cold as he thought it should be but that just made it better. He could spend forever by these golden waters drifting, if only he could get Nix up to join him.
Title: Wine
Word Count: 80
Challenge: Leave 54
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Nixon
This was a dream came true. His father’s wine cellar wasn’t even half this size, even the New York’s Yale Club wasn’t this size. He’d never seen this many bottles together…and it was all his. His to keep, his to give away. His to drink, his to do anything he wanted to with. This was the greatest gift any one had ever given him and he wasn’t going to leave any of it…or the man who gave it to him.
Title: Pair
Word Count: 100
Challenge: 63 Oral Fixation
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Winters and Sobel
Sobel loved to talk, no really he loved to yell, scream and bitch at the man. But that’s what made him Sobel. He would be some one else if he acted different. The men wouldn’t know how to act around a Sobel that didn’t yell and scream, it just wouldn’t be right. It just wouldn’t.
That would be like having two Winters and that wouldn’t, couldn’t stand to exist. The good that is Winters needed to be countered by the evil that is Sobel. That’s just the way it worked, and they couldn’t change that so Sobal yelled and bitched.
Title: Should Have
Word Count: 81
Challenge: 64 Entrance
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Winters and Sobel
When Sobel walked into the mess Winters knew something bad was going to happened. He know it, he should have known it before. He should have known it as soon as Sobel ordered him to take over the mess hall. Even if he hadn’t then the spaghetti should have told him. But he didn’t know until Sobel walked through the new pine door, that’s when he knew. Sobel didn’t even have to say anything. But he did anyways.
“We’re running Currahee”
Title: A Knot on Fire
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Nixon
Rating: G
Author's Notes: I couldn’t think of anything for catch or knot so I looked up other definitions and found out a tight groups of people is also a Knot so here it is.
‘First I can’t find the 502, again, and now I can’t find Harry or Dick…did the Germans just miss me? And I can’t even call out either, I hate the Germans right now. I could be some where with food, a roof and a fire…fire…is that a fire I smell’
“Swear I thought I could smell a fire. I did smell a fire. Are you out of your mind?” Three officers around a fire, that is Dick thinking letting them.
“Huh?” ‘a dell, if the Germans take this dell they get a knot of disturbing high ranking officers…what’s that sound?’
Title: His Dog
Challenge: Pet
Word Count: 104
Characters/Pairings: Nixon
Rating: G
It was his dog, not hers. She had no right to take him. She could take the house she spent more time there anyways, but that dog was not hers, it was his. But she had to take it, didn’t she. She knew it would hurt him, that’s why she did it. That’s why she had to take their kid, he loved his kid she knew that. She was trying to hurt him. That’s why she did it, she just hates him for never being home, for working, for sleeping with other women, for drinking all the time. That’s why she took the Dog.
Title: Glass
Word Count: 164
Challenge: Glass
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Nixon
It’s half empty…still to soon, I’ll let him drink more.
“So now he’s off to some training camp in California, getting some experience with the men.”
That’s one more glass, a few to go…then I’ll tell him then.
“…a nice desk job in the city after that…”
I’ll tell him all of it…and that’s that, it’ll be over.
“Will see him every weekend and Cathy will see him every day.”
It’s almost empty now; just a couple more glasses and it will be time, just a few more.
“And now that he’s an officer I expect that he’ll climb the ranks soon with my connections…Colonel maybe or Major at lest.”
That bottle’s finished now’s the time…he’s ordered another bottle. Maybe, no he can’t do anything, I’m doing it and he can’t stop me.
“They may even send him to England later, once they’re in France of course. Do you think they will Lew?”
“Father, I’ve joined the Paratroopers Infantry, it’s part of the Airborne…”
Title: Report
Word Count: 100
Challenge: 96 Type Writer
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Winters and Nixon
“How long are you going to be working on that Dick?” Nix ask as he reached that top of the stairs.
Winters looked up form his report, “Till I’m done Nix,” he said as he returned to his typing.
“It’s just a simple report, a few lines and your down. That’s your problem you write too much.”
“Sink wants to know what happened and I’m telling him.”
“You ran into some German, took out two companies with a platoon and only lost one man with few wounded, end of story.”
“It was more then that, we did more than that.”
Title: Letters
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Winters and Nix
Rating: G
Author's Notes: for you I hope you like
“What’s this?”
“You know what it is Nix.”
“What do I need pen and paper for Dick…do you want me to play the secretary and take a letter Dick?”
“No, you need to write someone,”
“You know who Nix.”
“Her? No, I have nothing to say. And save your glare for the Germans.”
“What about your-“
“She doesn’t even remember me, maybe it should stay that way.”
“Nix you haven’t sent a letter since she returned the ring. You have to say something.”
“I don’t have anything to say to her, only my dog.”
“Then write your dog Lew.”
Title: What you see
Word Count: 112
Characters/Pairings: Winters, Nixon
Rating: G
Author's Notes: late but here.
He said I hide my feeling, don’t let others know what I’m thinking or feeling. That I hide behind a blank look, occasionally giving half smiles and raised eyebrows that even he can’t read me at times and he gets me better than any one else.
But I know we’re two of a kind, you hide even more than me, people don’t realized that you’re hiding things, they think you wearing your heart on your sleeve but they’re wrong.
I hide behind a stoic look and distances, you hide with carefree laughter and getting so close they can’t see you, can’t see the real you, and they only see what you want.
Title: Found
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Chocolate 58
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Winters and Nixon
“I can’t believe that you didn’t know it was there Dick.”
“I didn’t think to look Nix.”
“You didn’t even really look around at all, it wasn’t hidden.”
“I saw what I needed to see.”
“You just saw all the bottles and didn’t look further.”
“Would you rather I kept it to myself?”
“Hell no, that’s the best gift anyone’s ever gotten me Dick.”
“Than you’re going to Share and give me some right Nix?”
“Well you did give it all to me.”
“Who hides Ice Cream in a wine Cellar?”
“Goring apparently.”
“Oh just hand me the chocolate Nix.”
Title: Digging
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Mining 60
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Nixon and Winters
If his mother saw him now she’d throw a fit at him digging around in the dirt, covered in dirt and mud. She’d always gotten pissed at him when he’d gotten his clothes dirty with dirt and grass. He loved playing in the dirt, what kid didn’t? He loved pissing off his mother and that had an been easy way. But now, now it was different, now he was doing it for a reason. He was going it to keep safe, to help keep Winters safe. Now if he could only get Dick to stay put in the fox hole.
Title: I’m not
Word Count: 81
Challenge: 83 Prisoner
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Winters and Nixon
“I’m not sending them again.”
“Sink wants another prisoner Dick.”
“Why, any new prisoner won’t know more then the last pair Nix.”
“It’s not about the prisoners; it’s about being able to get them.”
“Jackson died.”
“And Sink still ordered another crossing to get more.”
“They didn’t find anything.”
“They crossed but they didn’t find anything. They were unsuccessful.”
“You know that huh, Dick?”
“Yes Nix, I’ll even write the report.”
“No. I’ll do it. I type faster then you.”
Title: Savior
Word Count: 108
Challenge: 88 Savior
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Nixon and Winters
I owe a lot to Dick. I know I do. After Cathie divorced me, or really, before if I’m honest, I was falling apart. If it hadn’t been for Dick I would have been lost. But he saved me and that’s the truth. He helped me when I needed it. He had faith in me when I didn’t have faith in myself. He knew I could get the job done when I didn’t know. He trusted me, had faith in me. And because of that I was able to regain trust and faith in myself. So yeah I owe Dick a lot. More then I can every repay.
Title: Dreams
Word Count: 98
Characters/Pairings: Winters and Nixon
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: This is not what I started to write but it is better. A different take on shave.
He’s passed out on my bed again, every night so far, and every night he has nightmares. But what does he dream about? Does he think about the bullet that grazed his forehead? The one that went through his helmet, twice but not his skin, how much do I owe God for that I wonder? I’ll pay what ever the cost…or does he think of Varsity. Thinking of the boys that died when he didn’t…does he still hold that guilt?
Nix is cradling Winters body on a road outside of Carentan as blood runs from numerous bullet holes.
Title: Bombing
Challenge: Carpet
Word Count: 98
Characters/Pairings: Winters and Nixon
Rating: G
“Bombing Eindhoven”
They were, plane after plane. Bomb after bomb. Because of them, that’s why they were doing it. The people had helped them, embraced them. And this was there punishment. This was the price they paid for market Garden.
It had been a few at first but then it was more when the Germans saw they had no defense. Bomb after bomb…they had a name for it, for this tactic, a name for when they destroyed without pause, killed with out stopping…they called it carpet bombing.
“Yeah Won’t be waving so many orange flags at us tomorrow.”
Title: Bottle
Word Count: 93
Challenge: Bottle
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Winters and Nixon
His bottle is still out…if the Captain sees it he’ll give Lew another mark. Where is Lew, where can I hide it, pillow…no, under bed…no, cabinet…no room…his footlocker…how many pairs of cashmere underwear does one-man need? And how does he even close this…I can hear him coming…were does he keep his whiskey for Pete sake…my footlocker, I know I have room. Ok calm down Dick everything is perfect the Captain won’t find a thing…and here he is…LEW.
“Hey Dick did you know the Captain isn’t doing a check today…Dick, where’s my Vat 69?”
Title: The day
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Winters and Nix
Rating: G
Author's Notes: This alludes to the heirloom drabble series. I hope you like it.
“So you still wear it with you dog tags, huh?”
“Yes, it…still means a lot to me.”
“What’d Edith think of it.”
“I told her it was given to me by a friend in Europe, she didn’t ask anymore.”
“Dick, I-“
“Not today Nix, not today.”
“…thanks, for everything. I could imagine anyone else up here with me today.”
“I’m honored Nix…I just hope you’re happy, last time…”
“It’s different then the other times, better. I am happy, I’ve only been this happy once, when…”
“Yeah, not today…”
“Looks like Grace is ready.”
“Good, let’s get this wedding started.”
Title: Dancing
Word Count: 100
Challenge: 85 Love Songs
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Winters, Nixon/Grace
Nixon and Grace were gliding across the floor. They both looked lighter than air as they waltzed from one side of the room to the other in and out of the crowd around them. Their steps matched the music perfectly. Grace looked beautiful in her white wedding dress reflecting the moon light coming in from above. Nixon looked just as dashing in his black tux as he held Grace close before he kissed her mid-Waltz.
Dick was happy for his friend; he truly was as he fingered the ring hanging on a chain around his neck under his own tux.