Master Post Okay first off this is dedicated to
love_vargas for like a dozen reason the two most important being watching the show at all and the idea that became the plot. I thank her for both.
She talks about the show on her LJ and late second season I just had to check it out and I loved it. We both love Jason and Hoyt (we both think Hoyt is much under appreciated both in the show and fandom) so natural we paired them, it only got easier when Hoyt moved in last season.
And then it happened. Last November I posted a meme about your personal fandom of a character on my LJ and she gave me Jason and I wrote a few lines about how he and Hoyt should have a wedding and take in a kid (this I blame on her and I also talking about The O.C for most of last year). The idea grew and become the wedding fic idea, we talked about it off and on then I saw the
scifibigbang. I’ve never written anything of this length before (the longest single part fic was just over 10K and the lost mult-part fic was about 16K written over three years) but I really wanted to try it so with her suppose I signed up.
Over the five months that followed my fic just got bigger and bigger as I realized just how much I underestimated how long this fic needed to be. So I had to cut it in half. You may have noticed that I call it the wedding fic idea but there is no wedding, yet. But even with that it still went over the 25K almost hitting 40K and half of that was written in June alone. Without knowing I had
love_vargas to turn to I would have just dropped it as it become larger and longer. I’ve never done anything of this size before and I have a whole new appreciation for those that write long stores. I will write the second part next summer but that is why it seems like I’m setting up stuff that never happens, these two stories were planed as one, but there was no way I was getting the other half done by the deadline. One the plus side I know what fic I’m doing for next year’s
scifibigbang (there is going to be one next year right?)
Now details on the AUness. If you’ve read it (and if you didn’t why are you reading this first) then you can tell I didn’t even try and deal with the end plots of season three, it’s been five years and my story was large enough thanks. But if you really want to know here it is, at the hospital Jason calls Hoyt, Jason seemed lost in that scene, he needed someone and for Jason that someone has always been Hoyt, that was the big change from the show, he didn’t turn toward Crystal he turned toward Hoyt (and Jason not being completely straight is
semi-cannon) and those feeling became more, I’m not going into more details as the next part of the story should do that for me. As for the rest of the season, well I figured Sam and Tommy would make it, and in the show they already are, and Sookie’s event will be covered more in the next part. As will my take on the fay (which is so different from the show so that’s going to AU it even more) I kept Tara being out of town. I made Eric King because he’s almost 1000, who better (I’m not sure I like the King Bill thing but well see), and Pam as his replacement. I hasn’t really planned on having the vampires in it much but Pam…I’m not a big fan of her really but I love writing her and now I’m really starting to like her on the show too. So that’s cool.
Now lastly, I’m not a fan of original characters. In small parts or as the villain if you can’t use any of the show’s itself yes but not in major rolls so I kind of surprised myself by having three OCs and one being a full third of the fic, the story really is about Jason, Hoyt and Joshua. So I tried my best to not make all the mistakes you heard(and read) about in OC with Joshua and I feel I did an okay job. He’s heavy based off Ryan from The O.C. (with some clear difference) I hope to develop him further in the next part because I know he needs it but for my first major OC that’s actually in the story I think it went okay.
I think that covers everything I wanted to say. If you have any questions or constructive criticism please send it my way.
And one last time, thank you
love_vargas, this story is for you.