Young Americans Drabbles
Title: She’s back in
Word Count: 200
CW_Land SEASON 4: EPISODE 9 A Series Revisited
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Hamilton/Jack
Summary: Hamilton has some good news when Will and Scout get back to Rawley
Author's Notes: For those that don’t know Jack is really a girl pretending to be a guy to go to the all male Rawley.
“I have great news Finn thinks Jack and I are gay, isn’t it great,” Hamilton said excitedly as he pulled both Scout and Will into a hug.
“What? Want to run that one by us again?” Scout asked with a look of confusion.
“The shower, he didn’t see Jack’s breast so he doesn’t know she isn’t a he which means my girlfriend isn’t getting expelled,” Hamilton said smiling even more.
“Does Jake know about this?” Will asked as he looked around the large courtyard looking for her.
“Yes she’s on her way back after making sure anything else is good to go.”
“Okay how do you know what Finn saw?” Scout asked his friend.
“Oh he tracked me down last week. He told me it wasn’t his place to tell my parents or the team and if either Jack or I wanted to talk about anything his door was always open. It was all very progressive and teen drama like. He really is my favorite teacher,” Hamilton explained before he started walking toward the school.
“We have weird friends,” Scout told Will.
“We do,” Will answered Scout, “So Hamilton does this mean you and Jack are going to come out?”