OMG, i actually made icons :l

Dec 20, 2010 22:47

So, this is really my first time making icons, i've made the odd one in the past but nothing using an actual programme, so this is my first time and yes, i know they are shit. But i wanted to post them because...well i dont know why but yeah, icons, get me. (:
I'm just so happy i'm actually starting to get used to this programme! ;)
These are ( Read more... )

actor;ben mckenzie, pairing;ryan/summer, pairing;ben/rachel, pairing;peter/susan, pairing;sandy/julie, iconzzz, fandom;everwood, fandom;chronicles of narnia, pairing;bright/delia, actress;rachel bilson, pairing;brody/lauren, fandom;the oc

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Comments 8

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paireinlove December 21 2010, 15:34:03 UTC
haha, thank you!
I'm glad you liked them (:


sunrunnersioned December 21 2010, 02:11:14 UTC
love love love the peter susan icons!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks so much for sharing, hope to see lots more from you


paireinlove December 21 2010, 15:37:05 UTC
thank you so much!
and i have quite a few Narnia ideas, i just need to find the screencaps! (:

and i love your icon! <3


sunrunnersioned December 21 2010, 15:49:16 UTC
thanks devinecancerian made my icon.
If you need any help with images or caps I highly suggest just scrolling through petersusan and I'd be so willing to help! I'm DESPERATE for more icons!!


paireinlove December 21 2010, 17:27:37 UTC
thank you! I'm going to look through there now (:


simpleewonders December 21 2010, 09:05:44 UTC
awwwwwwwwwwww these are so cute! i remmeber my first icons, it's been so long since i graphiced haha.


paireinlove December 21 2010, 15:38:26 UTC
thank you! (:


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paireinlove December 23 2010, 15:18:21 UTC
thank you (:
i'm glad you like them!
i love your icon ;)


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