We're Using Science! [Active/Open]

Dec 17, 2010 14:44

Character(s): Urd, open!
Content: Urd gathers what she hopes are the best people to help make a medicinal cure for the paranoia virus.
Setting: New Hope, across the street from The Cheap Prayer.
Time: Week 27, morning
Warnings: None.

Urd gazed out the shop window, watching the morning light rise above the roof. The fog had already mostly dissipated for the day, a few lingering silvery strands hovering in shadowed corners and hidden alleyways. She frowned, pulling her long hair over her shoulder. Though she had a fairly good reason as to why she'd waited this long to do anything about the terrible mist, she still felt a little guilty. How much damage had been done while she'd been so preoccupied? Luckily her fellow visitors were made of stronger stuff than the Organization gave them credit for. At least, she hoped they were.

She turned and headed further into her shop. The shelves and racks had disappeared. In the center of the mostly empty room was a long wooden table, all manner of scientific tools resting in a line. Her own alchemy equipment sat on one end, along with a beaker filled with swirling fog. Urd picked it up and examined it for had to have been the twentieth time since she captured it and bound it into the beaker with a magic seal.

There was no way to fix this by herself. Something like this required a group effort. All she had to do was wait...and hope.

zim, sara sidle, urd, week 27, mao, the doctor (eleventh)

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