We all must do our part [active]

Dec 15, 2011 22:23

Character(s): Mayor Marcus Praetoris and whoever is going to be irksome to him
Content: True to his word, the mayor is out cleaning up the snow.
Setting: Paixao Central Station
Time: Throughout the day, week 37
Warnings: Probably a snarky mayor avoiding conversation. With a swarm of guards lurking if anyone tries to get rough with him to possibly ( Read more... )

marcus praetoris (npc), paixao central station, the doctor (eleventh), week 37

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Comments 13

shout_geronimo December 16 2011, 04:12:07 UTC
It wasn't until one of the Mayor's breaks that the Doctor, who'd been hard at work shoveling away the snow, ventured up to him. He had a mug of hot tea in each of his hands, and offered one to the man with a smile. "Bit chilly out here," he commented, glancing about himself. "It's like living inside a snow globe. Does this happen often?" He could just go pushing in and demand the reason for the way the mayor was treating the citizens, but that would help no one.

Besides, there were at least two sides to every story. Maybe if he spoke civilly to Praetoris, he would learn something.


paixaomayor December 16 2011, 04:17:31 UTC
He stared at the Doctor for a long moment, before taking the offered tea with a quiet word of thanks. He wrapped his hands around the mug and leaned his forearms on the top of his shovel.

"No, this isn't normal. A dusting, maybe. Weather is normally very relaxed. A few terrible thunderstorms here and there, but those are spread out through the years. We're unprepared for weather like this, and there was no explanation."


shout_geronimo December 16 2011, 04:34:12 UTC
The Time Lord merely gave a friendly nod in reply to the thanks. It was always better to use kindness first, anyway; it usually got him to his goal more quickly and being nice meant people were generally less willing to try and kill him, which suited him just fine. The Doctor listened to the mayor, nodding now and again to show he was listening.

"Might be a malfunction in the weather regulators - you do have regulators, don't you? - might want to have someone in to look at that." He said, risking a sip to his mug and instantly making a face. "Bit too warm. Give it a minute or two, maybe. I'm the Doctor, by the way."


paixaomayor December 16 2011, 05:13:29 UTC
He looked genuinely perplexed at the suggestion. "I can't say I know what you're talking about," he admitted after another moment.

He took the Doctor's advice, letting the tea cool.

"Pleasure," he replied to the offered introduction, although whether or not that was true had yet to prove itself. One can never be too sure, but like the Doctor, Praetoris would be polite, too. "You, of course, know who I am, else I doubt we would be speaking."


cowardly_hero December 16 2011, 07:00:30 UTC
Timon felt ridiculous in his snowshoes but they had proven useful and served their purpose well. By some string of luck and Tinkerbell’s brilliant craftsmanship he had successfully managed to walk on top of the snow opposed to through it as he had before. Why, he could even walk properly donning the shoes unlike the awkward waddling and hopping he had previously partaken in. The walk itself, however, had been long and uncomfortable for him. The meerkat wished he had brought a blanket or lion along with him, something warm to wear or hide in. It was not as though Kovu had used his mane for anything of much use lately anyway. What did he care if Timon borrowed it, or rather burrowed in it, for a short period ( ... )


paixaomayor December 16 2011, 07:25:56 UTC
Oh, lovely. The meerkat.

Praetoris sighed. He kept shoveling.

"I said I would be out here," he replied. "There's a lot of work to be done; I can't simply ask others to do something I myself wouldn't do."


cowardly_hero December 18 2011, 21:16:12 UTC
“Now there’s a surprise. And here I thought you were all talk.” He glanced over at Marcus’ bodyguards and frowned. “Oh, you brought your goons along too, huh?” Goons who could not appear to take their eyes off him it seemed. Not that they could be blamed… “What are you lookin’ at?” he snapped at them, as though it had not been obvious. “We’re talkin’ here.” At least, Timon indeed to talk.

Placing both paws on his hips, Timon looked up at Praetoris expectantly. There was no ignoring him now. “You’re not walkin’ your way outta this one. I still got grubs to pick with you.” Because he didn’t pick bones, bones were gross.


paixaomayor December 20 2011, 01:14:30 UTC
He waved his guards to ignore the meerkat and focus on their work. He doubted that the meerkat could do much harm.

"And what 'grubs' would those be?" he asked with a sigh.


mastertemplate December 18 2011, 02:14:56 UTC
The Master finally had enough with settling with distant lip service from the higher ups and the various other Time Lords and their walking, talking phone boxes. It was a time where he ate snow and got fed up with waiting for anything other than a direct answer. Now that the arrogant bravado of Mayor Praetoris was alive and in person, he could finally collect on some truth on the optimistic side. Otherwise, he thought to settle for flesh.

"Morning," he said as he slunk out of the darkness, the shadows seemingly sticking to the bags beneath his eyes.


paixaomayor December 20 2011, 01:16:28 UTC
Caution prickled across Praetoris. He stopped his movements, his grip tensing on the shovel's handle. He tried to hide his sudden unease, but it was likely that the Master could pick up on it. Praetoris drew himself up and turned, settling into a more manageable caution.

"Good morning."


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