(no subject)

Feb 09, 2006 21:57

Name: Als

Single or Taken: Single

Sex: Female

Siblings: Erin, who is 2 years older than me.

Eye color: blue

Shoe size: 6ish

Height: 5'2"

Innie or Outie: innie... its kind of a black hole

What are you wearing right now?: green socks, blue underwear and bra oddly enough, black button up shirt, jeans.

Where do you live: Burnaby, BC... and/or Grand Forks if I move back this summer (doubtful)

Righty or lefty: right, but I can do both in sports

Can you make a dollar in change right now: Nope, I have a lot of pennies


Who is your closest friend: Camille and Erin

Do you have a BF or GF: hence single

Did you send this to your crush? nope and nope.

Best place to go for a date: black box, its the best place for everything.

Kind of pants: jeans i live in them

Number: 6 or 13

Boys Name: Lucas, Damien, Cole. Or my favourite brothers ever: Duran, Jiro, and Sayer.

Girls Name: Can't say I've really thought about it. I like a lot of names.

Animal: anteaters are from mars

Drink: tea slash vodka slimes

Alcohol: jager... sleemans... soju!

Sport: volleyball and snowboarding and basketball.... i play them all though.

Month: may or june

Juice: that Bolthouse Farms stuff... mango lemonade. fucking drool.

Breakfast: bacon. no contest.

Favorite cartoon character: Dr. Zoidberg.

Have You Ever..

Given anyone a bath: Lots of cousins.

Smoked? Yarr.

Bungee Jump? nooope.

Made yourself throw-up? God damn, never. I hold it back for as long as possible. Then the pressure is so built up that it shoots out my nose. burrrrning.

Gone skinny dipping: yup.

Eaten a dog: ...

Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Hahaha yes. It didn't stick though.

Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Uhh... not really.

Broken a bone: Toes, fingers, thumbs, nothing crucial.

Played truth or dare: Ayuh.

been in a physical fight: Well with Erin, but sibling fights don't really count. I have wrestling matches weekly with my theatre boys but we aren't mad at each other...

been in a police car: Yeah my friend's dad is a cop. I've never been arrested though.

Been on a plane: tons.

Came close to dying: Uhh... probably a bunch of times... including falling off cliffs/out of trees, a seriously grim flu virus which had me hospitalized, and a couple car accidents. But I'm still kickin.

Been in a sauna: Mmm. Not frequently enough.

Been in a hot tub: My parents have one and I love it.

Swam in the ocean: I live on the ocean, of course.

Fallen asleep in school: Haha yes.

Ran away? When I was 6 - to look-out rock in my back yard.

Broken someone's heart: Guess so.

Cried when someone died: ....yeah.

Cried in school: ...yeah, same reason.

Fell off your chair: When I got that fucking email saying "Whats wrong with this picture" so I had my face 2 inches away from the screen then the exorcist victim's face popped up accompanied by a blood curdling scream. I almost lost my shit.

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: kinda i guess

Saved AIM conversations?: couple msn ones from Sean. Damn that kid is funny.

Saved e-mails: I never get around to cleaning out my inbox.

Made out with just a friend? Yeah, those are fun.

Used someone: not really...

Been cheated on? angry face. All of my boyfriends to date have.
What is...

Your good luck charm? Uhh... adrenaline?

Best song you ever heard: "detachable penis" by primus. oh les claypool, how i worship you.

What's your room like?: covered with artwork and photographs... its really small... kinda the size of a walk-in closet. all my books are on the floor against the wall and theres random stuff like my snowboard, drum, and protable bbq.... (no storage)

What is beside you: left - wall. right - dresser. I'm on my bed.

Last thing you ate: paprika chicken and cauliflower.

What kind of shampoo do you use? AG something or other. drug store shampoos are so bad for your hair!
Ever Had...

Chicken pox: Reeeeal doozie case. I was 7. I have 2 scars on my face... one on my forehead and the other on the bridge of my nose.

Sore Throat: ..........who hasn't. I had whooping cough once. kicked my ass.

Stitches: on my eyebrow. i split it open on the monkey bars.

Broken nose: i doubt it, though i've had a good couple smacks leading to swelling and blood.
Do You...

Believe in love at first sight: Noooooooot really.

Like picnics: haha sure

Like school: I love the hands on schooling I'm getting... tech work. I'm not a very academic person, though.

What schools have you gone to: Hutton Elementary in Grand Forks, GFSS (high school), Simon Fraser University, currently attending my 4th year.

Who was the last person you called: Mom and dad.

Who was the last person you slow danced with: Jared

Who makes you smile: everyone in the theatre program. and my family and my friends... you know pretty much everyone makes me smile, people are so interesting and quirky and wonderful.

Did you last yell at: today in acting class, i did a monologue from Macbeth and i yelled.

Broke your heart: .................uhh. Chad i guess.

Told you they loved you: mom and dad :) in terms of boys, Pedro did but I know he was joking.

Who's your loudest friend?: ....god. Pedro... Ann... Jared... Matt... David... theatre people, again
Do you like filling these out: i do when i'm bored.

Do you wear contact lenses or glasses: nope i love my good eyesight. also i love the fact that one of my pupils is naturally bigger than the other.

Do you like yourself: yarr, i really do.

Do you get along with your family: Absolutely. They're wonderful.

Are You...

Obsessive? nope

Compulsive? sometimes

Suicidal? not. likely.

Final Questions:

What are you listening to right now? Lunatic Calm - metropol

What did you do yesterday? sunbathed in the theatre lobby, went to class, hung out with my friends, did homework, went to bed.

Hated someone in your family: Never. They can be jerks sometimes but hating is ridiculous.

Gotten any awards: Bunch in elementary and high school, a couple at SFU.

What car do you wish to have: .....jesus christ, no more vehicles. Death traps.

Where do you want to get married?: Don't mattah.

Good driver? .....sigh. I am, but I have terrible luck. 3 car accidents in the past month. None of them were my fault. My car is a write off and I have serious whiplash.

Good Singer: Yup, I got my mom's Welsh pipes.

Have a lava lamp: Its in grand forks and it doesn't work.

How many remote controls are in your house: 3 or 4, amongst stereos, tvs, and dvd player.

Are you double jointed: don't even really know what that means.

What do you dream about?: Abstract imagery mostly. Although the other night I had a dream my sister slept with Matty G and I was really mad the next day. :D

When you last showered: this morning at about 8.

Scary or Funny Movies: Mehh... i don't really watch tv or anything.

Chocolate or Vanilla: I like em both.

Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper: Roooot beer. I worked at an A&W once.

Summer or winter? Summerrrrrr.... I'm such an ourdoor person.

Silver or Gold: Silver

Diamond or pearl: diamonds i suppose.

7up or Sprite: ...don't drink pop.

Coffee or tea: I drink more tea because it's cheaper, but I do enjoy my coffee.

Phone or in person: I don't like the phone.

Are you oldest, middle, youngest: youngster of 2.

Indoor or outdoor: OUT! I love being outside.

Today did you...

1. Talk to someone you liked: Yah... :)

2. Bought something: Veggie lunch, and I ate 2 full plates. I felt very pregnant after that.

3. Get sick: Nooope knock on wood. Ashley and Dan are both sick... how do you stay away from your room mates?

4. Sang: absolutely.

8. Talked to an ex: ...yes actually but we're still good friends. I don't really consider him an ex anyway.

9. Miss someone: Absolutely.

Last person who....

10. Was in your bed: Other than me - none other than Jarret Cole. I was nice and slept on the couch.

11. Saw you cry: Erin and Dave... and the firemen, and police officers... when I crashed my car the last time.

12. Made you cry: The dickwad at campus security... he was rude, but i was already upset so he just set me off.

13. Went to the movies with: Ummm Camille and Katie and Lisa and others in GF - we saw Walk the Line, excellent movie.

14. You went to the mall with: Ummmmm... Erin I think. It's been a while.

15. Said "I Love You" and meant it: Barry :D

16. Ever been in a fight with your pet: Hahaha... Cheerio would get sweet, sweet revenge. She's sit on top of the fridge and take swipes at people as they walked by.... funny thing is, she'd never put her claws out, she'd just punch ya.

17. Been to California: Many times, I have relatives in Davis.

18. Been to Mexico: Twice, but the typical tourist spots... Puetro Vallarta and Tijauana (sp?)

19. Been to Canada: I live in Canada, eh.

20. Been to Europe: just once, it was awesome.

21. Do you have a crush on someone: yahh... but crushes aren't exclusive to one person are they? I have a couple of em.

22. What book are you reading now: "wild ducks flying backward" - tom robbins. it's the short writings of.

23. best feeling in the world: the after-sex cigarette... i use this as a metaphor for theatre productions. rehearsals are foreplay. the shows are sex. closing curtain is the big O. the strike and cast party is the cigarette.

24. Future KIDS names: Gahh, shoot me.

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Nope but I cuddle my other pillow.

26. What's under-your-bed: All the crap I can't fit in my closet.

27. Favorite sports to watch: I don't really... I'd much rather be playing.

28. Favorite Location: da Black Box... bat cave.

29. Piercing/Tattoos: Man my piercing list has gone down... I don't wear earrings except for one cartiledge hoop... then I have my tongue barbell in sometimes (I have to take it out for acting)... then the only long-term ones I've kept are my nipple piercings. I have 2 tattoos, one of Raphael's cherubs on my lower back, the the word "erleichda" on my left hip/side, meaning "lighten up!".

30. What are you most scared of right now: Cars.

31. Where do you want to get married? Blaahhh, marriage.

32. Who do you really hate? nobody?

33. Do you have a job: I take clerk/front of house/cashier/usher/technician shifts about once a week with the theatre.

35. Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with: Absolutely.

36. Have you ever cried: wtf no.... yes.

37. Are you lonely right now: Not particularly but I could really go for some cuddles.

38. Song that's stuck in your head right now: I had a song stuck in my head from a dream I was having but it didn't make sense, it was random words and a really bad melody.

39. Have you ever played strip poker: yeah, good thing I have no shame.

40. Have you ever gotten beat up: by a tree.

42. Have you ever been on radio/TV: TV yeah, when I went to Quebec... might have been on the news when A TRUCK RAN INTO MY HOUSE AT 6 IN THE MORNING LAST WEEK.

43. Have you ever been in a mosh-pit: oh, many.

44. Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed you? people do notice me, i've been told.

what color is your underwear right now? bright blue.

Last person you talked to on the phone? mom

Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? how they carry themselves in conversation.

your Favorite Food? Oi, i like food in general.

Do you drink? not very often.

Do you smoke? cigars sometimes.

Ever been so drunk you cant remember? yeeeah thats why I don't much anymore.

Have you ever cried for no reason? No...?

Last Movie you Watched? Uhh, I don't even know. Rear Window I guess.

Are you too shy to ask someone out? That depends. I don't like to hit unless I'm pitched to.

Hugs or Kisses? i love them both so very very much.

Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? cheesy buttery. mm.

dogs or cats? kitties rule, although I want a dog big enough to wrestle with.

Favorite Flower? mm... i dont know.

Have you ever fired a gun? ooooh my goodness. how can you tell this survey was made by americans?

Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car? No way, I love road trips... although with my current luck I'm not going on any for a while.

How many pillows do you sleep with? a billion.... which means 2 i use, one i cuddle, and another on the other side of my bed.

Who are you missing right now? Matt Carson... Jared, but in a different way... I see him all the time.

Do you think your ex misses you? I know at least one does. The other 3, I really doubt they've thought about me in ages. And the one I don't really consider an ex? Well, he misses my nipple piercings. :)
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