(no subject)

Dec 15, 2006 10:26

this year: 2006

[ P E O P L E ]
best friends: Camille, Erin, Matt, Lucia, Fiona, Nick
lost any friends: Way back in January, I decided not to speak to Gord ever again. He tried to talk me into sleeping with him.

[ P L A C E S ]
went out of the country: The States once.
moved: Nope.
new school: No. Almost donnnee!
how many times on an airplane: Twice, to Saskatoon and back to Vancouver.

[ Y O U ]
have you changed?: Yeah. A lot I think. For the better.
new look: Well it just keeps growing.. I had a pixie cut last Christmas, now its to my shoulders. Same colour.
most depressed time this year: The last bit of April into May. Jared had just moved away and I was too busy for words with 3 jobs. It wore on me.

[L O V E ]
did you fall in love: No but I came to love many new friends.
did you get heartbroken: Disappointed, yes. Not as bad as heartbroken.
who was your summer love: I didn't have one, although Uriah was asking to know me better.

[ S E A S O N S ]
favorite Season: Summer into Fall. I had the most spectacular August and September.
least favorite season: Spring I guess, I was in a bad place with roomates and was sad because of Jared leaving.
good birthday: I didn't celebrate it this year. It's the day before the anniversairy of my professor dying, no one felt like partying.
any snow this year: Yeah we had a huge dump last month, it was so awesome!
highest temperature: 30something, it gets more humid than hot here though. Actually while I was at Shambhala I believe it was in the 40s.

[ F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S ]
snuck out: I live on my own.
kept your resolution: I don't put any thought into them.
got arrested: No.
drank alcohol: Yes, not very much though I've been too busy.
kissed a guy? Couple. One of them I wanted to castrate.
kissed a girl? Not on the lips. But yes.
had a crush: Yeeeah apparently I have this huge wandering eye.
lost a family member: My Grandma on my Dad's side died last in April.
got bad grades: In Linguistics this term, it definitely wont be pretty. Really hoping for a pass there.
got a myspace: Nah, Facebook though. I gave in.
kept a secret: ..Maybe.
told a secret: My own, yes.
done something you totally regret: I've kicked myself for a couple things but nothing too terrible.
changed your view on things: Yeah, quite a bit actually.

In 2006 I...
[] broke a promise
[] made a new best friend (old best friend, that is)
[] fell in love
[] fell out of love
[X] lied
[] went behind my parents back
[] cried over a broken heart
[X] disappointed someone close
[X] hid a secret
[X] pretended to be happy (not well, I might add)
[] got arrested
[] kissed in the rain
[X] slept under the stars
[] kept your new years resolution
[] forgot your new years resolution
[] met someone who changed my life
[] met one of your idols
[X] changed your outlook on life
[X] sat home all day doing nothing
[X] pretended to be sick
[X] left the country
[] almost died
[X] given up something important to you
[] lost something expensive
[X] learned something new about yourself
[X] tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it
[X] made a change in your life
[X] found out who your true friends were
[X] met great people
[] snuck out of the house
[X] stayed up til sunrise
[X] pigged out over the summer
[] met someone from LiveJournal/MySpace in person
[X] cried over the silliest thing
[X] partied more than 5 times
[X] was never home on weekends (was never home period during the summer)
[X] got into a car accident
[X] had friends who were drifting away from me
[X] had someone close to me die
[X] had a high cell phone bill
[X] wasted most of my money on food
[] had a fist fight
[X] went to the beach
[X] saw a celebrity
[X] got sick
[] liked more than 5 people at the same time
[X] became closer to a lot of my friends

You know the drill - take the 1st line from each month's first post, and see what your year looks like.

I have some pictures... check art_riot. Name: Als. Nearing the end of my long-lived career as a student of Simon Fraser University, so it seems. I have read a lot of books. 1. ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT? Two lines on my wrist, like a dotted traffic line... from my sister's teeth when I was 2 years old. :) I smoked a joint with my professor during one of Salome's intermissions. I went to Grand Forks last weekend for a vacation... cancelled my appointments and let both my jobs know I wasn't going to be around. Price Productions and Stilettos & Strap-Ons Burlesque present their No Pants Party! Opening Credits: Windowlicker - Aphex Twin. Listen to Bassnectar. Whooooooa hello bursary... I found a $1,415 credit on my SFU account today. 1. Have you ever gone muddin'? Every year in the spring... it's a tradition!

I miss the summer. :(

Jared is moving back in a couple weeks. I really have no idea what to expect. I might just be starting to date somebody else right now... guy named Dustin. I'm not really sure if we are but I'd like to. It's really bad timing, yeah but what else have I come to expect with Jared. We are the poster-children for bad timing. Fuck it I'm leaving for Grand Forks today, maybe I'll see both of them when I get back.

I drank too much wine last night, but I finished my last goddamn exam and I wanted to celebrate... by myself. Heh. My semester is over folks, now I only have 2 classes to take before I graduate. I got into Black Box, found out yesterday that I'm actually an Artistic Director for the 4th show (promoted already!), that's pretty cool. I might torture myself a little bit more and volunteer to do lighting design for one of the shows. I might go into tech withdrawls if I'm actually on the performance side for once. I'm giving up my wonderful job as the noon show technician too.. shit. That's $19/hour I'm going to miss. Black Box is such an endurance test anyway, what the fuck am I even thinking (working + this class = imminent disaster). Wow, wine hangovers aren't fun.

Starting to pack now. I leave tonight for Abbotsford, off to Grand Forks tomorrow morning.
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