Sign-ups so far...

Feb 02, 2006 17:52

In twelve days, sign-ups will be over. Probably. Whatever, if someone wants to write for the ficathon after sign-ups, we'll just do a little rearranging and all will be fine. I posted this to my LJ last night...then did it again. D'oh.

Participants and requests:

LJ name: bellatemple
Pen name: Bella Temple
E-Mail: (sensing a theme here?)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Veronica Mars
Three things that make you laugh: Dramatic Irony, unexpected physical comedy, intentionally overdone action sequences (ie. the police chase in Blues Brothers)
Three things that make you say "Ugh": pointless smut, OOC, excessive grammatical errors
Anything you absolutely will not write? . . . not really? I have little to no experience writing smut or slash

LJ name: hjcallipygian
Pen name: HJ
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Harry Potter
Three things that make you laugh: Absurdist humor, subtle ridiculousness, and dramatic irony.
Three things that make you say "Ugh": Gotta back bellatemple on this one -- pointless smut, OOC, and excessive grammatical errors.
Anything you absolutely will not write? I am no good with any sort of explicit relationship, be it het or slash.

LJ name: redeem147
Pen name: Bic
Fandom: Buffy, Angel, Doctor Who
Three things that make you laugh: wit, wordplay, lack of sleep
Three things that make you say "Ugh": bad characterization, bad grammar, The Master nekkid (The Buffy one, The DW one is okay)
Anything you absolutely will not write? Bangel. It's a thing.

LJ name: bunnykittycoat
Pen name: Desire
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Veronica Mars
Three things that make you laugh: wit, wit, and uh - did I say wit? Any instance of Spike and Angel being jealous idiots. Any mention of Duncan.
Three things that make you say "Ugh": Slash (just not my thing), bad characterization, and I'm not a grammar nazi, but spell check is your friend.
Anything you absolutely will not write? Slash - unless you like the phrases butt secks and man-tool. Bangel. Duncan/Veronica.

LJ name: irmak
Pen name:Irmak
Fandom: Can only write Veronica Mars, but willing to read VM or BtVS
Three things that make you laugh: Snark. Jealousness. Naked Logan, Spike or Xander. (Bonus: Kanecest and/or slash in a funny way is love.)
Three things that make you say "Ugh": OOC, overdone physical humor, D/V in love.
Anything you absolutely will not write? Anything other than VM, physical comedy, overdone action sequences (I'm just not that good).

LJ name: blue_icy_rose
Pen name: On LJ it's blue_icy_rose. Places like or, it's IceBlueRose. (And at the Spuffy Fantasy Archives...BlueRose. There's a theme.)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, or Veronica Mars (If I'm writing it though, I tend to write better comedy with the Buffy characters, so I'd prefer to write that or Angel.)
Three things that make you laugh: Snark, banter, characters having random thoughts because while I love funny dialogue, never underestimate the funny thoughts (out loud-I've got a thing for inserting humor in serious scenes-or just in their head). Pretty sure that Spike, Xander, or Logan interacting with any character would be hilarious (and since they're my three favorite characters, there'd be much love for reading/writing this).
Three things that make you say "Ugh": bad characterization, too much/overdone physical humor, overly sappy scenes between characters if it's romantic, and if it's VM: use of the name "Ronnie" all the time (if it's L/V or not meant to be sarcastic) or a perfectly happy V/D
Anything you absolutely will not write? Non-con (though I doubt I'd have to worry about that since this is comedy), and I don't think I could write Bangel or V/D very funny. I'm more of a Spuffy, Spander, or L/V girl. Not sure if I could do incest, but I suppose I could try my hand at it.

LJ name: goddess_loki
Pen name: Ragna
Fandom: Buffyverse, HP, VM, House MD
Three things that make you laugh: Slapstick humor, funny words/names, parodies.
Three things that make you say "Ugh": Slash (for the most of the above fandoms, anyway; Buffyverse is my exception), characters acting completely out of character, really dirty jokes.
Anything you absolutely will not write? Slash for any fandom other then the Buffyverse, dirty jokes.

LJ name: tygerlily_blood
Pen name: Tygerlily
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Harry Potter, Static Shock, Avatar the Last Airbender, Gargoyles, Inuyasha
Three things that make you laugh: Xander, Xander-ish comments, Scooby banter, Buffy's pre-kill witty comments, Giles comments, Watcher/Slayer banter, Buffy/Xander interaction, Buffy/Giles interaction, Buffy/Oz interaction, Oz moments in general, Virgil and Richie banter, Aang's antics, Aang's pursuit of Katara, Inuyasha/Kagome interaction
Three things that make you say "Ugh": Anya in general, Angel/Cordelia, Willow in general, Willow/Tara, Willow/Oz, Buffy with paired with any girls besides Faith or Drusilla, Ginny in general, Ginny/Severus, Ginny/Harry, Ginny/Blaise, Inuyasha/Kikyo, Kikyo in general
Anything you absolutely will not write?: Anything that makes me go "Ugh" I will generally NOT write, so see above!

LJ name: suhra
Pen name: Sarah
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Veronica Mars, One Tree Hill, Passions
Three things that make you laugh: Overdramatic acting, witty banter--or jut wit of any kind.
Three things that make you say "Ugh": Slash (not femslash, mind you, because I do enjoy that), Veronica/Anyone besides Logan, grammatically incompetent, self-absorbed people.
Anything you absolutely will not write? Slash (again meaning male slash), sparring/action scenes.

LJ name: heck_weasy
Pen name: Weasy
Fandom: Buffy, oooh, or Doctor Who since somebody else has said it! yay! But only the new series (as in CE or DT)
Three things that make you laugh: Awkward pauses, sex and... life, in general?
Three things that make you say "Ugh": Not really into toilet humour, don't mind character bashing unless too great an emphasis on character being stupid. then it get's 'ugh'-y. People being very embarrassed. I just get embarassed for them and have to leave the room...
Anything you absolutely will not write? If Buffy, not C/A or B/S romantically as would probably have to resort to character bashing to make funny, and really would not want to - as it wouldn't be funny.

LJ name: izzyntsherandom
Pen name: Kirina
Fandom: Dark Angel, Firefly/Serenity, Harry Potter, Doctor Who (9 or 10- I've seen lots of some others but don't know them well enough to write!), Fruits Basket, Loveless, Prince of Tennis.
Three things that make you laugh: Witty humour, dry humour, irony of various forms. And appropriate randomness/tangents. (er- that sentence made sense to me; possibly it won't to people who are other)
Three things that make you say "Ugh": typical "misunderstandings" in romantic situations, Out Of Character-ness, toilet humour. And unjustified pure character-bashing.
Anything you absolutely will not write? Anything likely to require 18/NC-17/M+ rating, not because I object to such fic, just that I can't write it well! HP, no "romantic" pairings that involve people who, agewise, could be parent and child, or who are blood-related. Prince of Tennis- non-Seigaku focus, Kaidoh-focus, Kawamura-focus, detailed tennis matches (though I'm looking into fixing it, 'cos this fandom is helping my muse return!).

LJ name: xbitexmyxlipx
Pen name: Charisma Brendon
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Veronica Mars, Harry Potter
Three things that make you laugh: wit/snark, drunkenness, talking to inanimate objects like they can talk back (Also...Xander and Logan are love. - Just sayin'.)
Three things that make you say "Ugh": Grammatical errors that pull me out of a story, complete silliness (a little is fine, but there's such a thing as too much), adding in OCs who are central to the plot.
Anything you absolutely will not write? I'm bad at smut and romantic relationships.

LJ name: ladybug218
Pen name: Jen
E-Mail: ladybug218(at)gmail(dot)com
Fandom: Veronica Mars, House, Gilmore Girls, Charmed, X-Men movieverse
Three things that make you laugh: sarcastic quips, silly smut, and bad puns
Three things that make you say "Ugh": bad grammar, Duncan, incest
Anything you absolutely will not write? Duncan/Veronica, incest, slashy smut

LJ name: liz_will_ow
Pen name: Leeez
Fandom: BtVS, Ats, Grey's Anatomy
Three things that make you laugh: having to rip tape off of skin really, really fast; obscenely tight men's outfits; strangely used props.
Three things that make you say "Ugh": general stupidity (the non-funny kind); corny shit; things that don't make sense.
Anything you absolutely will not write? slash

So far, so good! These people have talent. ;)


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