Tried really hard.
Dozo ^_^
Now I’m lacking of these nutrients:
Yamashita: lacking nutrients as a whole
Koyama: protein
Nishikido: iron
Kato: all kinds of vitamins
Masuda: vitamin C, I think
Tegoshi: iron
I’m always wearing these accessories:
Yamashita: just a necklace
Koyama: a necklace, a ring, 2 or 4 bracelets and a piercing
Nishikido: not wearing
Kato: a ring, a necklace, 2 piercings
Masuda: a necklace
Tegoshi: a necklace (from time to time carry 2 necklaces, putting one over another)
The most hospitable NEWS member is: (not sure about the question. it’s difficult to see the kanji)
Yamashita: Koyama
Koyama: I think this is my strong point
Nishikido: Koyama
Kato: Koyama
Masuda: Shige, it’s definitely him
Tegoshi: Kei-chan
How many people would you like to invite to your wedding?
Yamashita: will agree the number of people when it comes to the wedding
Koyama: 200 people
Nishikido: just the family (relatives) is alright
Kato: if it is a wedding ceremony-with family, want to invite a lot of people, if it’s a wedding banquet *
Masuda: about 20 people
Tegoshi: umm…it’s difficult. will decide when the time comes (time for the wedding)
What video game genre is your strong point?
Yamashita: i hate games
Koyama: wrestling games
Nishikido: brain games
Kato: RPG games (roleplaying games)
Masuda: setting games
Tegoshi: horror genre (any of them is my strong point)
Speaking of massage, what kind do you prefer?
Yamashita: Shibuya massage ( )
Koyama: massage…seitai** (properly ordered body)
Nishikido: seitai (i like the way it goes “gokigoki”***)
Kato: no massage! (from time to time-seitai)
Masuda: foot reflexology massage
Tegoshi: aroma
Becoming a teacher. where would you like to teach (kindergarten, elementary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university?) ****
Yamashita: decline to answer
Koyama: kindergarten
Nishikido: lower secondary school or upper secondary school
Kato: school for girls
Masuda: i’m fine with any of them
Tegoshi: upper secondary school
NEWS have songs with the word “ai” in the title. What song comes to your mind at first?
Yamashita: Ai no Matador
Koyama: Ai no Matador
Nishikido: Ai nante
Kato: Ai no Matador
Masuda: Ai no Matador
Tegoshi: Ai nante
Please, express with the sound “skidding during the MC”:
Yamashita: skidding neeee
Koyama: wooooo
Nishikido: sutteeeen
Kato: zuuuun
Masuda: suuuuuuu
Tegoshi: flash…and squash
Paint a picture of a crocodile:
Yamashita: "Due to personal problems, the crocodile is taking time off"
Koyama: “Crocodile ♥”
Nishikido: “Give me meet, please!”
Tegoshi: “I’m crocodile”
* I think his talking about a traditional wedding ceremony and a west-type wedding banquet
** Seitai technically, consists in easing the activity of the life force by re-adjusting the physiology of the body. There’re lots of techniques.
*** Gokigoki-the sound of … (couldn’t find it)
**** Elementary school 1-6 grade; Lower secondary school 7-9; Upper secondary school 10-12