Wink Up 09.12 NEWS Question 10 translation

Nov 06, 2009 22:58

01. Abruptly there’s a strong earthquake what are you taking with you and running away?

Yamashita: kazama-kun,* will seat him on my shoulders and will run together

Koyama:  my cat

Nishikido: will just run, not take anything with me, the main task is to stay alive

Kato: cell phone, purse, water, house keys, accumulator

Masuda: my bag

Tegoshi: cell phone, so that I could call someone for help

02. I often hear people saying that their first impression of me is:

Yamashita: not a talkative one

Koyama: very kind, forgive debts

Nishikido: getting old

Kato: recently, a person who’s younger than me said I’m very cheerful

Masuda: you’re so big, as in soul, so in your body

Tegoshi: very cool

03. You’ve become a businessman what kind of company or shop you will run?

Yamashita: I will run lots of them! first of all I’ll have a clothes shop, then a recording company and of course a dance school

Koyama: it’ll be a Host Club. I’ll name it “Happiness”

Nishikido: will run a lot of music bars where you come to eat, have some hot drinks and of course enjoy the music. if it’s a company I’d prefer be the owner

Kato: a wedding planner cause it sounds cool

Masuda: a one designer shop with a café in it

Tegoshi: a sports shop, a soccer shop

04. What origami can you easily make?

Yamashita: plane

Koyama: plane

Nishikido: bird

Kato: bird

Masuda: plane


05. Are you strong in electronics?

Yamashita: I’m am in dynabook** ( )

Koyama: not

Nishikido: very-very-very strong

Kato: a little

Masuda: just the things you’re using when the night comes

Tegoshi: a bit

06. Steak, ramen, kare-rice, point what is your favorite

Yamashita: I - ramen, II - kare-rice, III - steak

Koyama: I - ramen, II - kare-rice, III - steak

Nishikido: I - ramen, II - ramen, III - ramen !!

Kato: I - ramen, II - kare-rice, III - steak

Masuda: I - ramen, II - kare-rice, III - steak

Tegoshi: I - kare-rice, II - ramen, III - steak

07. What if your girlfriend asks you to put on a “couple clothes” …

Yamashita: definitely not doing it! don’t like couples wearing the same accessories

Koyama: will do it! will put on everything she asks about!

Nishikido: it’s alright if we’re wearing the same color, just color

Kato: absolutely NOT

Masuda: maybe when the night comes***

Tegoshi: OK, anything will do

08. How long does it take when you’re “setting” your hair alone?

Yamashita: as a rule don’t do it, but when it comes to that it takes about 10 minutes

Koyama: 5 minutes

Nishikido: don’t do it XD

Kato: 10 minutes

Masuda: don’t do the “set”, but after taking the bath dry it for about 10 minutes

Tegoshi: don’t do it. remember the last time I did my hair “in private” was during my “middle school” ****

09. Have you ever participated in competitions to win the price? *****

Yamashita: haven’t participated

Koyama: once, but failed

Nishikido: have participated. have succeed, it was a com in a manga magazine

Kato: have never done that

Masuda: yes, I have, when I was little, even won something

Tegoshi: haven’t participated

10. Paint a picture of a bear


* i think his talking about his dog or Kazama Shunsuke, a japanese actor and singer, as a Johnny's Junior
he was member of Four Tops, he is also a member of TU→YU

** i think YamaPi is joking, saying that while he’s in the CM, looking all cool, he IS strong in electronics,
but when it comes to daily life, the truth is - he’s not strong in it at all XD

*** think he means so that no one could see them couple dressed

**** grades 7-9

***** i think the question is about feeling in different forms from magazines, newspapers, some kind of lotteries

news question 10, wink up 09.10, translation

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