Game Rules
01. Be mature and respectful (this includes IC AND OOC). Keep IC & OOC separate. No godmodding without permission. ‘It’s not in the rules’ is not a defence for pushing limits.
02. Regarding IC drama: Given the nature of this game, drama will very likely occur. Bear in mind that in character actions have in character consequences. It may not be one you expected, but if it’s in character and reasonable, then it is fair game. If the drama is frequent or repeatedly over the top, you may be asked to tone it down.
03. If you’re having difficulties with another player OOC, please make efforts to resolve it between yourselves first. If you’re unable to do so, then speak to the the mod (Zachery-s) to help resolve your issue.
04. In-play characters may not be killed off (by any means) without mod and player permission. Characters no longer in the game may be killed, but it still requires mod permission. PBs of characters (IC or NPC) killed in-game (or dropped after being involved in significant drama/plots) will be placed on a no-play list for 6 months.
05. This is an AU game. All types of characters are welcome, although fandom (canonical) and (RL) celebrity characters require approval before application. Played characters must be 17 years old minimum.
06. Pregnancy and mpreg are allowed at the mod’s discretion. Please refer to
the pregnancy application for rules and whether applications are open or closed.
07. Your character journal (LJ) must be exclusive to this game. Character journals may be used for promotion of the game, including seeking in-game SLs. They may not be used in any other manner. An AIM name is also required, though the AIM screen name need not be specific to the character. You may use the same AIM name for multiple characters, but the mod needs to be informed of this.
---- 07a. AIM seems to be cracking down on some screen names. If you've kept a celeb PB's name as the char name, it is advised that you DO NOT use their name as the First/Last Name fields, or the SN. I had 3 or 4 names 'suspended' and after the last one I was no longer able to link SNs to the primary account I had used; other players have seen new accounts 'suspended' as well.
08. Activity checks will occur once a month, To meet the criteria for a time period, you must update your journal at least once with a substantial entry, and have all current members added to the character’s journal (this part may also be required on an ongoing basis, as adds are done).
Videos, poems, song lyrics, and images are absolutely permitted in-game, and may cound do not count as an activity post without accompanying text. Diary entries, journal entries marked as private, and narratives MAY count towards activity requirements depending on the update period. Keep an eye out for Mod messages.
09. If you will be unable to play in journals and/or AIM for more than five days, please request a hiatus; failure to do so may result in removal that could have been otherwise prevented, particularly if there is a challenge or another player has asked to use your pb. If you miss an activity check due to a hiatus, you will have one week to post a journal entry upon your return.
10. Don’t get the mod wet. Don’t expose the mod to bright lights. Don’t feed the mod after midnight. If you break any of these rules, the mod’s rage will be justified and neither the co-mod nor Tommy-s will protect you. This rule will hereafter be called The Mogwai Rule.
Rules may be added, amended, or removed at any time at the mod's discretion.
Game Info
~ This game is centered around both the Palace Casino and the Donnelly family. Game canon states the Donnellys are the most-feared and powerful crime family in the world. You may assume that they own the police and politicians representing Atlantic City, at all levels. The Donnelly family are to be considered infallible. You may not introduce plot lines that attempt to take them on or take them down (unless it is a plot point approved by the mod, the co-mod, AND Tommy-s).
~ Babylon is a VERY exclusive, members-only club for people with distinctive and often times illegal tastes. Membership is by application and applicants will be thoroughly screened. Please contact Zach Donnelly out of character for more information.
~ There are cameras EVERYWHERE on the property. The exceptions are certain management offices, hotel rooms, stalls/urinals in public restrooms, and in the cottages on the grounds. Hallways, the casino floor, the bars, restaurants, clubs, and Babylon are all heavily covered. There are external cameras over most of the grounds as well. Assume that your character is always being recorded, unless otherwise noted.
~ Periodically, there will be in-game plot arcs. They may be due to real world events (such as Hurricane Sandy), mod created, or community voted. While the mod-created arcs may indirectly involve the whole community (such as "news bulletins" that are posted) it's unlikely that everyone will be required to participate. If applicable/feasible, the mod will post about the arc in the Media community, and post the link in the mod journal, so all can see it.