Title: Helix Continuum
leisa-phoenix and Carlos
Genre: Sci-Fi AU RPS
Pairing: Jensen/Misha (with background Jared/Genevieve and Alona Tal/Nicki Aycox)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Graphic violence, xenocide, genocide, hate crimes, graphic m/m and f/f sex, explicit language, psychological abuse, implied torture, implied major character death, permanent injury, serious illness
Word count: ~120,000
Summary:Almost a year ago, all life on Earth was nearly lost at the hands of a greedy, insidious foe. But Captain Jensen Ackles and Colonel Misha Collins thwarted that plot, and Earth remains free. This should be a happy time. The threat of war is finally over, Jensen and Misha are heroes, and the humans colluding with the enemy have been apprehended. It should be a happy time, but it is not.
From the ashes of the old war rises a new threat from within--a group jealous and suspicious of the "powers" and "skills" Jensen, Misha, and many of their fellow warriors possess. Seeing Jensen and Misha as a threat to humanity, this new enemy will not rest until they and everyone like them is neutralized. Only then, they say, will Earth be safe. In the midst of a secret revolution under the constant threat of death, Jensen, Misha, and their friends undertake a journey of self-discovery as they define life, love, and identity, and struggle to forge a future for their people. And the journey is only the beginning...
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Written for the 2012
spn-j2-bigbang challenge.
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