"Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis" - "Where you are worth nothing, there you will wish for nothing."
Fat man with rolled-up sleeves showing young business type around the office.
BOSS: Well, new boy, this is where you'll be working. Your office is over there. I think I've explained everything - any questions?
NEW BOY: Yes, whose office is that?
BOSS: That's Niall's. You'll be required to mico-manage him. He used to just balance numbers, but under your supervision we'll need him to branch out a bit. Don't worry, he's the best worker in the place.
NEW BOY: OK, then, thanks very much.
He goes up to NIALL'S office and knocks, hesitantly. The BOSS, who is leaving, turns around.
BOSS: Oh, he doesn't speak much, but you can go on in.
NEW BOY enters the office. There is nothing in it but a desk, a dying plant and a computer. NIALL, a strange thin person, looks at him fearfully.
NEW BOY: Hello, Niall, it looks like we're going to be a team. I like my colleagues to also be friends with me, so if there's anything ...
Niall is breathing strangely.
NEW BOY: Are you alright? Do you need a glass of water?
He is finding it hard to concentrate because of the breathing, which is like NIALL getting crushed.
NEW BOY: I can see I'm interrupting you. Well, I'll leave you to your work.
He closes the door.
NEW BOY is sitting in NIALL's office, with NIALL next to him.
NEW BOY: OK, so we look at the issue number, and cross-reference it with the ... Niall, what are you writing? No, we're using computer graphs now. We don't use that sort of chart any more.
NIALL begins his strange fearful breathing again.
NEW BOY: Come on, now, they told me you were the best worker in the office. Don't look at me like that. Just stay right there, I've got to get some air.
NEW BOY and BOSS are outside smoking.
NEW BOY: He just won't do what I tell him. I really think he's got something wrong with him.
BOSS: He's the best worker in the office. You don't understand how things work round here, new boy. Niall is sweet as a nut.
NEW BOY: Well, I'm thinking of bringing him into my office so I can observe him more closely.
BOSS: Probably a good idea. Just get the idea of those graphs into his head so he can start really producing again.
NEW BOY and NIALL are in NEW BOY's office.
NEW BOY: Look, you're not working at all now, and I can't work because of your breathing. You can't go back to your office until you've done a chart.
NIALL does nothing. NEW BOY grabs a fountain pen from NIALL's top pocket.
NEW BOY: I know you got this pen for being a good worker. You like this pen, don't you?
NIALL nods.
NEW BOY: Well, do you want it to go out of the window, or don't you? Which one? ... Nod if you want it to go out of the window, shake if you don't.
NIALL does nothing.
NEW BOY: Jesus Christ, you're incapable of making a decision, aren't you?
NEW BOY enters, yawning, to find NIALL in his office.
NEW BOY: How'd you get in here? My god, you spent the night in here, didn't you?
NIALL looks blankly back at him.
NEW BOY: That does it, I'm talking to the boss.
BOSS: Is this true, Niall, that you've been sleeping in the office?
NIALL looks at the floor.
BOSS: Right. I'm having the guards escort you out of this building.
Two SECURITY GUARDS are trying to wrestle NIALL out of the building, but he clings to doorways with terrific strength. NEW BOY looks on pityingly.
NEW BOY looks round and NIALL is standing behind him in the office.
NEW BOY: It's OK, I won't tell anyone.
Time lapse sequence when we see light and dark coming into the office. NIALL barely moves.
NEW BOY: Don't you want to eat anything?
NIALL shakes his head.
NEW BOY comes in to find NIALL on the floor.
NEW BOY: Niall?
NIALL lifts his head and moans.
NEW BOY: Niall, I think we need to get you to the hospital.
NIALL refuses to leave.
NEW BOY: Boss!
BOSS enters.
NEW BOY: It's Niall, sir. I think he needs help.
BOSS: Safety risk removing him, new boy. Wish I could. He might want this to happen so he could sue.
NEW BOY: Come on, Niall, please ....
Small crowd, BOSS, and NEW BOY stand by the furnace.
BOSS: Well, since we found out Niall was an illegal immigrant, we can't afford to let anyone know he was here. So, we've decided to cremate him and scatter his ashes in the office. I'm sure it's what he would have wanted.
NEW BOY: Good bye, Niall.
NIALL is shoved into the furnace.
People are running out of the building.
OFFICE WORKER: What's that awful stink?
BOSS: Get back inside, it's nothing! Get back to work!
NEW BOY stands outside the building with his shirt over his mouth. Then he turns around and starts walking down the street.
BOSS: New boy! Where are you going?
NEW BOY: My name's Jamie, boss, and I think I'm taking the day off.
He walks off, leaving the BOSS surrounded by people and screaming.