discussion i am much more likely to have

Sep 24, 2008 02:14

Dear Insurance agent,

I know that you are not the one that caused the problem but please understand I am justifiably very angry that despite calling and spending  30 minutes on the phone fixing a mistake that you made that terminated my service.  in this call the very helpful (and I mean that honestly) agent figured out someone had been depositing my payments to my other accounts- you know like the one that was closed when my COBRA ended and I had to give promise of a first born child to pay for an individual overly expensive plan.  anyway, people at your place of business have been getting checks for my current plan and you have been depositing them into my old INACTIVE plan.  ummm duhhh.  not to mention you also deposited another close to $700 check to the dental plan which costs under $70.  did you not notice that this seemed odd ESPECIALLY when I was missing a check for the ACTIVE plan and when you decided to terminate me because you did not find it on the account.

so okay, shit happens.  luckily I got a hold of someone with a brain and she fixed it for me.

oh wait, that didn't happen.  yeah, she did fix it and she did have a brain and she was helpful-- only it seems that no one else was paying attention to the notes she put all over the account.  or even worse the account never updated universally.  wow how useless.

and how did i find this out, after a week of using you insurance plan, a plan that barely helps me out in any way as it covers so little of what i need.  no i find out after a) thinking it was resolved b) a week when i was feeling like complete ass and ACTUALLY had cause to use you for not only a sick MD visit (rarely happens) but also lab test, a mammogram and c) I tried to get my very much needed prescriptions.  only i couldn't do that because you don't have me listed as an active account.


but even worse than that i get the nice pharm tech to call and you tell her I am terminated and that you looked EVERYWHERE and that is the only info you can find.  well obviously you didn't look everywhere as I have notation AND a REFERENCE number showing that this transaction of fixing your mistake did happen.

ony we can't do that tonight- we can't clear it because, well who the hell knows why.

in the end I have to pay completely out of pocket for my meds at uninsured prices (although a quick nod to pharm tech who told me if i pay cash they can at least still charge this useless insurance plan once things get cleared up).  not only that as of course i don't carry $60/cash on my person and as such had to go to the only atm nearby to still get my meds tonight- and it charges me an additional $3 fucking fee.  which of course i had to suck it up and take but your mistake, 2x, you owe me that $3 jackasses.  it may not seem like much to you oh corporate giant but to those of us paying over 50% of income to you-- $3 makes a big difference.

now of course I am pissed as hell.  as it isn't going to just be a not so simple fix the insurance company's mistake issue, or even a fix the med coverage issue, but it is going to be a fix every visit, test, etc that i had this week under assurance this issue was cleared.  thanks.  no thanks, i mean it.  it is not like feeling like crap, trying to move and all the other crap i have going on (yes some of it is good but stress nonetheless) that I needed one more asinine thing going on.  much less an asinine thing thing that is going to continue to kick me in the ass for some time-  nor the fact that i am conserving all the energy i can to get through the next two weeks and you decided to kick me while i am down.

and yet, as you know, I am stuck with you.  no other plan has to take me, much less at the ever affordable rate of robbing me blind but not doing so at double plus my old rate.  you know that.  i hate you.  you are worthless.  i pay tons of money into you, and then pay much more into the stuff that actually helps my health that you do not cover.  yeah, obviously you are a doing a job well done.

infuriatingly yours,

addendum:  so when I call the insurance company today they say, yeah it is updated.  you shouldn't be having problems.   but I am and last night after calling with the correct numbers I still show as terminated.  so we get to play the fun game problem, call to fix, see no problem, call to say yes still a problem-- hopefully somewhere in there it gets resolved.

insurance, bastards

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