I had a photoshoot today when I woke up, I wish it was Summer so bad so I dressed up in a skirt and tank top, put my hair up and then it ended up down-- and added a pink umbrella in my hair. Haha.
These are the results.
So here are the pictures! :D
My legs are so pale, ew haha.
I like this one a lot.
But this one is my favorite!
A typical mirror picture |: ew.
I'm sitting on my bean bag chair that I spent ten bucks on at Liquidation World, the ten bucks were my tips from work.
Money well spent !
Haha, I'm very weird.
I also went and saw Friday the 13th last night, it was so good. My friend Sarah was shaking and screaming the whole time haha, but me and my boyfriend cuddled through the whole time and held hands, and when the movie started he kissed my hand. :) Awwww.