A urine pregnancy test will not detech pregnancy until two weeks after conception. If you wanted to know this early you would need to take a blood test, which would be able to determine pregnancy immediately. Also, keep in mind urine tests are not always that great, this coming from an Army medic seeing many possibly pregnant people, I've had several false neg and pos tests, and this is a hospital level urine dip test. The most sure way to know is a blood test, that way you can determine you HCG levels and estimate about how far along you are with that number.
Ha, so it's useful for your MOD to be in the medical field. Glad to be of service.
You could always call a planned parenthood that's in your area. They probably won't be able to tell you much without seeing you, but if it were me I would just make an appointment and go talk to them.
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They are an amazing community designed to answer these exact questions.
Ha, so it's useful for your MOD to be in the medical field. Glad to be of service.
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