hat in hand, etc, etc

Oct 28, 2009 16:40

Hello, internet!

My name is Emily, and I am the girl who used to write a bunch of fic that I guess you guys liked! You might remember me from this journal; I used to also write as opensound. I come back to you all, sweet-ass plaid fedora in hand before me, to ask you all a favor ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

shinodarely October 28 2009, 22:42:57 UTC
i dont have much cuz well yeah paycheck to paycheck but i can send you $10 i loved your stories.

tell you what $20 if you can make it gee/mikey based on the song from beyonce "halo" no sadness, no angst, just pure love and happniness. well maybe a little angst cuz the song is almost like that person brought them from a dark place. but yeah


paloma_cayendo October 28 2009, 23:09:14 UTC
Holy shit!

Thank you so much, you have no idea what this means. :) I'll definitely get to work on this asap - especially cause I've been listening to that song a ton lately, haha. (Do you watch Glee at all? They used it in one of their mash-ups and it's amaaaaazing.)

If you want to send the money now, I guess the best way is Paypal? It's misskaleidoscope at gmail dot com. (If you want to wait until I've gotten it posted, totally cool, no worries.)


shinodarely October 28 2009, 23:40:09 UTC
hey i know what it feels likes trust me! i will either put up the money tonight or tomorrow ok no worries. umm ps. i usually just pay stuff on paypay do i just search your name or something?

oh by the way *hi* my name is violeta :)

edit: oh ok just went to the site, i see how to do it now. i will try to get it sent tonight ok
edit 2: i sent 12 tonight and the rest tomorrow error with my bank lol


paloma_cayendo October 29 2009, 09:32:43 UTC
Hi, Violeta! :) I'm Emily, and I'm totes jealous of your pretty name. It is lovely to meet you!

Your username sounds really familiar - I've got a pretty terrible memory though. Did you write at all back in the day, or just comment?

(and yaaaay, I see the $12! thank you so much! I'm actually working on yours right now, despite it being what-the-hell-o'clock in the morning; one of the few benefits of still technically being unemployed, haha.)


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paloma_cayendo October 29 2009, 09:42:59 UTC
Awww hiiiiii I remember you! *frantic waving* :D It's good to see you as well; I hope things have been going well for you. It's really, really good to hear you've got a house & both have jobs. Not the sort of story you hear too often when catching up with people these days, haha. I do hope getting back to school is in your near future & I'll knock on wood that it happens soon. :)

Hooray for Bob! I never wrote enough Bob, which is a shame, cause the dude is basically the world's hardass. So yeah, I can definitely do you some Gerard/Bob, and if you want I can even try & work some A-Lamb in there too (because A-Lamb is SO FUCKING FAB, he just makes me want to keyboardsmash forever. And. Er. If you happen to have any fic about him, I miiiiight want to be pointed that way? :D?)

The paypal for you or a dude to send money to is misskaleidoscope at gmail dot com; if you want to send it now or wait until the fic goes up, it's all fine with me. Thank you so incredibly much - I don't even have words for it. ♥


(The comment has been removed)

paloma_cayendo October 30 2009, 20:57:49 UTC
Oh, dude, I'm fairly sure I went on an AI fic binge a couple months ago and ran across that first one (and really, really liked it.). I don't think I even registered that I recognized that username. *facepalm*

Anyway, eheheheeeee the world needs more of Adam pulling a corset/glitter makeover on Kris. And on everyone else around him, ideally. Adam Lambert should be our new overlord just cause EVERYONE WOULD LOOK A LOT BETTER. :D


nahemaraxe October 29 2009, 07:01:21 UTC
I might have ten bucks to spare, but in about 15 days D: I need to receive my paycheck before. If that's still good for you, then count me in.

MCR is great, I'd really love to read a nice Bob/Ray. It might be AU or canon, I don't have any particular request, just don't kill anybody, don't break them up, and don't mention children. :D

If you're alright with it, I could pimp this out in my flist. My journal is locked, only my flisters would see it. Let me know.


paloma_cayendo October 29 2009, 09:47:43 UTC
Hey, listen, if it's money's that tight, don't even worry about it, okay? How about this - you go ahead & pimp it to the flist, I'll put your request at the end of my queue, we'll call it even. :) Like I said, I know I'm not the only one in this situation, and I'd hate to make it harder on anyone else. Thank you so much for the offer though. ♥


nahemaraxe October 30 2009, 10:17:50 UTC
You're really nice ♥ I'm having some not-really-financial-but-tightly-related-anyway issues these months, yeah, and I guess it isn't easy for anyone to make it through. Thank you, I'll pimp you out right now.


jessicameigs October 29 2009, 16:29:13 UTC
I think I might have $10-15 to spare, as soon as my bills clear the bank. :)


paloma_cayendo October 30 2009, 20:18:19 UTC
Aww, thank you a ton - but listen, if it's a really tight situation, don't worry about it, all right? Like I said, I know I'm not the only one worrying about finances here, & even the comment is enough to brighten my day. :)


crowgirl13 October 30 2009, 12:20:07 UTC
Here via zephyrina's post.

I came into bandom during your hiatus, which has always made me a little sad and feel like I really missed out. Requests like this are never easy - but I've also felt/had the experience of fandom acting as an extended family, so I think it was also a smart thing to do. I definitely have ten bucks I can shoot your way, and possibly a bit more [I'll have to look at my bank balance first, as it is rent time. :)]

Writing-wise, I'd love some Bob-centric fic. Bob/Ray's my OTP, but I'll read him paired with just about anyone. Established threesomes are a bonus too. :) Nothing too angsty please, and a bit of supernatural weirdness/magical realism around the edges is always appreciated. If you need a more specific prompt, please let me know. Thank you.

I wanted to say that I really enjoy your writing, and I hope that life stablizies quickly for you. ♥


paloma_cayendo October 30 2009, 20:10:38 UTC
Oh, man, thank you so much. :) (Honestly, I'm sad I ended up on hiatus, myself; bandom has exploded in size & talent since I left, and I really wish I had the ability to catch myself up on years of awesomeness.)

Everyone loves Bob these days, I guess! :D Awesome! (I also love the everliving HELL out of threesomes, & I'm actually writing a Bob-related established threesome fic for i_amthecosmos, so I'm sure you'll be delighted to see that one, too.) I'll get to work on yours as soon as possible, & again, thank you more than I can express.


crowgirl13 October 31 2009, 03:05:37 UTC
You're welcome. I'm glad I could help, even a little. :)

Everyone loves Bob these days, I guess!
I suspect the in-flux of Bob requests is more due to the schooling tendencies of Bob girls, but yes, the Bob-love's awesome. :D

[Oh SWEET! Threesomes are my favorite, NGL. Particularly actual triad relationship ones... though I will never turn my nose up at spur-of-the-moment smut either. Oo! Oo! Are you writing Bob/Gerard/Lyn-z? That's starting to crop up with increasing regularity - which is exciting, as it's a marvelous dynamic. Regardless of the participants, I'm definitely looking forward to reading that other fic. \o/]

No worries! Fic happens when it happens. And again, I'm glad I could help.


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