Title: The song of Gabriel
Author(s): PamyMex3girl
Artist(s): SoSerendipity
Genre: General
Rating: PG
Word Count: 14.695
Pairings : implied Kali/Gabriel
Characters: Gabriel, Lucifer, Michael, Raphael, God, Anna, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Kali, Hermes, mentions of Metatron, Sam Winchester, other angels
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers up until season 5's Hammer of the Gods. Canon compliant Character death. Quotes in italics are from the episodes 'Changing Channels' and 'hammer of the Gods'
Summary:This is how it begins, it begins with a song.
In a time so long ago that Gabriel can barely remember it. This is the strangest part: Lucifer is the one who's singing.
A story about Gabriel's live from the moment he's created to the moment he dies. A story of love between brothers and the loss of everything.
Author’s Notes:
Written for the supernatural gen big bang.I loved Gabriel on the show and I wish they would bring him back. I'd like to thank SoSerendipity for having been my artist and for the beautiful artwork she made for my fic.It should be noted that the Hermes character is somewhat based on how Rick Riordan wrote him in the Percy Jackson books, though he doesn't really show up in the fic. All recognizable characters and situations belong to the creators of supernatural and not to me.
Link(s) to Story :
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1009168 Part 1:
http://pamymex3girl.livejournal.com/21190.html Part 2:
http://pamymex3girl.livejournal.com/21451.html Links to art master post: