drunkeness is what got us in this mess. tsk tsk tsk, psh i love you baby. I've been talking about what happened on Saturday to Hazel alot and she said that my mom will probably ligthen up...but i still say she's a crazy pyscho whore. =/ i dunno <3 -Carlo
Fuck the naysayers, I'm a yaysayer!! YAY!!!! I'll kidnap ye both and we'll run away to.... elsewhere... and live happily ever after in a tree, or something. :)
A TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?! Why not a hole in the ground...like bunny rabbits, or teletubies? Oh wells, atleast its away from the nonsense. =D EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, sweep the poop deck!
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