Not guilty!
Woo! I'm a free man! Last night was the 2nd night of my mock trial for my Psychology of the Legal System class. Thursday night was the pre-trial, during which we technically won since my awesome pre-trial and voir dire (jury selection) attorneys were able to throw out all the evidence and basically got it to be a no-case situation; also, we ended up with a fantastic jury and were able to weed out all the dangerous (to our case) jurors. In order to keep it fair our professor let a lot of the evidence back in so that we could have a fair trial last night.
It was very long and everyone did a fantastic job. My confederate (partner in crime) and I were very confident when the trial started but as it went on we started to doubt our chances for victory. The prosecution put on a good case but in the end it was our fantastic attorneys that put a lock on it. Both the official and the shadow (we had extra people) jury found us not guilty on all charges. We actually felt relief and sweet victory when we heard the verdict... though if we were found guilty we would have made a run for the door (haha!)
Afterward our professor took us (about 30) to Chili's where we reveled in food, drink and victory! It was an awesome time and a great end to all of the hard work and effort everyone put in to the trial. To make it sweeter, our professor gave us all a copy of the final so that all we have to do is memorize the answers and we ace it.
It's been a week of hell in terms of work for me. I've had 3 papers do, the mock trial, a debate and two exams this week and it's been truly exhausting. I haven't had much time do think or do anything else and I look forward to the end of next week so I can officially call an end to the semester. Finals shouldn't be too bad and I have plenty of time to study for them.
In other news...
hulabear is back in town for the summer. I wasn't able to see her this week (see above why) but I'm going to try and squeeze into her schedule sometime soon. I missed her very much and I can't wait to see her!
saccharinity is reveling in all sorts of mathematical awesomeness (typical.) I haven't had a chance to see her much either (again, all the work) and I hope to be able to see her soon!
We're celebrating my mother's birthday on sunday... we're going to some awesome seafood place in malibu, it's going to be very good times.
Tonight Kyle should be running his L5R game, which hasn't been run in a while due to unforeseen circumstances... I need to start remembering everything for my character (ha!)
And now, it's back to work for me. I just needed to unload whats been up with me lately seeing as I haven't posted in a while.
Until next time,