Long windedshibatetsuNovember 28 2007, 20:54:51 UTC
Well, I'm glad that things are good for you. Talked(well texted) colby the other day. I'm thinking about coming to LA for my birthday in Feb. It's good to see that you continue to post regularly, I rarely have time to sit on the phone and chat with you guys but, needless to say, there's quite a lot I miss out on, given not living down there. I should be getting my promotion within 2 months, after the current MIT is done. After which I'll be waiting for C to finish schooling up here and maybe more back. 2 years seems like a long time, but I'm sure it will breeze by. If you guys ever feel like coming up to visit let me know. We've got quite a bit of extra room and I should be able to get a weekend off in January. Either way I'll be coming down soon. If you guys ever decide to get back into WoW drop me a line, jsut hit 70 and fell into a GM postion(crappy small guild), they got voice chat working really well. I hope things are going well with said lady friend.
Comments 2
Also, it looks like Wicked will be at the beginning of January.
I'll be buying tickets likely this weekend.
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