Random #5

Jul 20, 2011 15:48

 Because I haven't posted in, like, a month or so and I may not have anymore time to post in the future (TT__TT Why, acads, why??), it's time for another....RANDOM POST! YE~Y!!!!!!


(EDIT: I tried to think of ten. but I only came up with five. haha)

1. PLAY AT A BATTING CENTER. Yes, me. Play a sport that involves a ball and possibly being physically and mentally scarred for life if I don't have good hand- eye coordination XDDD. I've tried playing softball in high school. It was fun but I often ended up being a catcher. Hitting homeruns at a batting center seems like a lot of fun (based on the jdramas I've watched and Himitsu no Arashi-chan where Aiba and Ohno tried to hit that fastball XD) and is probably a really good way to relieve some pent up stress (I can just imagine that the balls are the people who piss me off. trololol). And the best part is that I don't have to worry about running winning or losing a game!

2.  GO FISHING. Blame it on Ohno Satoshi. Five years ago, I would've said "EWW, NO WAY" to this activity. But seeing, or rather, hearing Riida being all manic about it has made me wonder just how fun it actually is. Maybe I might be able to try it soon. Since I'm in Marine Biology and all...but wait, I'm supposed to be saving the fishes not taking them out of the water.....

3. COSPLAY. It's like your childhood dreams of dress up raised to the nth power of awesome-ness (forgive the lack of sensible words XD). I've been dying to try this for a very long time but certain factors have always prevented me from doing so i.e body type, okane, friends who would willingly cosplay with me XD

4. PAINT MY APARTMENT IN ARASHI COLORS.  I don't know if I can...because I'm just renting my flat. But if the owner let's me... >:)

5. PLAY THE VIOLIN. Yeah I know. I'm such an epic fail. But I seriously want to learn because the violin's a really beautiful instrument and I want to be able to have a talent that involves playing an instrument. Blame it on having a musically gifted family (father's side) and being the only one who can't play anything. =_=d

And to wrap this post up. Just a little screencap of my beloved Photobomb King. If you haven't seen VS Arashi New Year SP 2011, YOU SHOULD. It's full of epicness and a really hot, bitchy Riida. XDDD


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