What a brilliant day. I hope you've got photos so that you can remember it all in the future. So pleased it all worked out for you and that the girls could share in each others' successes (well, I suppose Mini didn't quite understand, but her time will come.)
Does this mean that Tiny starts big school in September?
I got lots of pictures, some very cheeky ones, and I'm told there are plans to put some on the wall ;-)
Sadly, due to Tiny being almost as bad at time keeping as Mini and being born in September instead of August when she was due she doesn't start real school until next year but as all her friends are leaving her current place I've decided to move her to the school nursery so that she gets a bit more 'education' and so she'll know her way around and be ready for the real thing next year. It is still rather scary though because she can't possibly be old enough for school she was only born last week ;-)
That is a day full of wonderful memories for you, Shorty and Tiny... and Mini will learn the story from the photos. Well done. Excellent time management - a skill to pass on to the girls.
I understand about having no-one nearby to share the little moments with. I'm grateful for LJ and my Twitter-sisters (who have become Twitter-aunts).
I often wonder how people managed being on their own with kids and no one around before there was the internet, its the only thing that keeps me sane some days ;-)
Comments 7
Does this mean that Tiny starts big school in September?
Sadly, due to Tiny being almost as bad at time keeping as Mini and being born in September instead of August when she was due she doesn't start real school until next year but as all her friends are leaving her current place I've decided to move her to the school nursery so that she gets a bit more 'education' and so she'll know her way around and be ready for the real thing next year. It is still rather scary though because she can't possibly be old enough for school she was only born last week ;-)
I can't even manage myself to get places on time with the right stuff...let alone sorting out myself and three others!!
But reading about your day always makes me think that I might, possibly, manage one of my own littlies one day!
I am absolutely sure you'd do an amazing job of raising some amazing kids :-D
I understand about having no-one nearby to share the little moments with. I'm grateful for LJ and my Twitter-sisters (who have become Twitter-aunts).
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