yay for monetary value,lol...psh, you dont need to do your hair and shave...i have discovered why you are sore, you are sore from picking me up,lol...yeah, my gma was probably getting it on wit hmy gpa or something, she almost never extends our time unless we both beg her...lol, there is always stalling...yay for kissing,lol
monetary value is only good bc it enables me to do things lol.... but i feel like a bum if i dont do my hair and shave... hmm.... did u check the warming lotion? lol ... u look at the bottle and its now almost empty (i assume before it was almost full)... yay for kissing indeed :)
im gonna aquire a new shaver soon... now its not cutting... its pulling the hair out... lol ... surely u jest... i am indeed the bummerist... u always look great... hehe... theres a new bottle of it now
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