[art + music] 'By Your Side' (Ouran, Mori/Hani, G) and Music Upload

May 26, 2007 13:17

FINALLY, STAR TESTING IS OVER!!Err. *clears throat* Sorry for the sudden outburst. ^^;; I'm just so happy because STAR lasted for a whole month, and it's the one that keeps me from updating in my LJ. Aurgh. Not that the tests were hard - since this is my first time taking them, I want to be prepared so I studied real hard ( Read more... )

art, ouran, rl, test, drawing, mori/hunny, music, flist, school, thank you

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Comments 50

brennadouglasmw May 26 2007, 21:06:57 UTC
YAY Mori/Honey OTP! This is such a lovely, cute fanart. ^^


pandarot May 26 2007, 21:21:17 UTC
Ah, thank you! I really love this pairing - I wish there'd be more fan stuff about them. =/ I really need to find a good Mori/Hani icon but I'm too lazy to look for them, haha. XD;;


brennadouglasmw May 27 2007, 00:27:57 UTC
Oh, I know! People need to feel the Mori/Honey love. :3 This is definitely one of the lesser-loved pairings.

Ah, really? I have a whole folder full of Mori and Honey icons. lol


pandarot May 27 2007, 19:05:46 UTC
Yeah, I know~ I wish I'd have more time to draw so that I could promote this pairing more. XD;;

Really?! Wow! *blushes* Uhm, do you mind if I see some of those? ^^;;


suncherub May 26 2007, 21:25:09 UTC
Why didn't I watch this series when it first came out?!

...because you thought it's one of those series that isn't your type, and you refuse to let go of your FMA obsession at that time? >D;;;


pandarot May 26 2007, 21:27:45 UTC

I'm surprised you didn't point out how big Hani's head is. Or how small Mori's left hand is. XD;;


suncherub May 26 2007, 21:48:31 UTC

Hahahah, you're ruining your promise. XDD


pandarot May 26 2007, 21:52:30 UTC
I can't believe it. You actually iconized it. O_____O;;;;

I just noticed you changed your layout. You should change the links because it's connected to me. XD;;

It's hard. I can't help it. ^^;;


infinitesun May 27 2007, 00:07:01 UTC
That is one lovely piece of Ouran artwork!!!

The same as you, I don't really mind who ends up with whom. Although I've been reading (and actually wrote one) Kyouya/Haruhi fics these days. ANd you're right, Ouran is one of the best animes i've ever watched. Because at the start, you see them as stereotypes but there's a hint of depth in their character and by the end you really see how much each of them have grown. I also love that the women in ouran have strong characters (there's a lovely fic somewhere in the Ouran comms by sciathan that captures the essence of the women in Ouran).

I'm glad to hear that you're getting used to your new life. *huggles*


pandarot May 27 2007, 19:34:43 UTC
Thank you very much! =^_^=

Yay for someone who shares the same opinion as I! Although to be honest, I'm actually leaning a bit more on Tamaki/Haruhi in the het side lately, and I'm...pretty bias when it comes to Mori/anyone but Hunny. XD;; *is being a paradox* I still read Hikaru/Haruhi, Kaoru/Haruhi, Kyouya/Haruhi, and some yaoi pairings, though. XD;;

But, yeah, you're right: Ouran is one of those anime that you underestimate (I mean, that show is too "flowery" XD;;) unless you watch it yourself. I love how the characters have depths behind their cracky characteristics, and I think that the anime did a good job on portraying each of those. =) I especially like what the anime did with the ending, and that's awesome because most anime fail at drawing conlusions. Or something. XD;;

I agree with you about the women in Ouran. I mean, before I saw the series, I thought Haruhi is one of those "trying to act tough, but will end up being the damsel-of-distress" type of person, and I was so glad I was wrong. In the end, Haruhi became my ( ... )


infinitesun May 29 2007, 07:05:45 UTC
I only have to nod at everything you said about Ouran, especially Haruhi. She IS my favorite female anime character for all the reasons you stated and more.

As for that person who did that to you, probably just some insecure person. Why else would she/he do it.

Haay... you're right ne? You think these things only happens in films. I remember being back in high school and saw a vandalized table that said I was a slut. And I didn't even date when I was in high school.

You'd be amazed at the lengths bullies would go to bring down someone who they're insecure of. Just believe in yourself. It's going to be a tough ride but you'll get through.


pandarot May 31 2007, 01:02:29 UTC

Maybe you're right, but I don't think I should call him/her a bully because s/he did it only one (so far). ^^;;

Thank you for the encouragement~ ♥


serenia May 27 2007, 00:12:55 UTC
That's so pretty!


pandarot May 27 2007, 19:35:19 UTC
*blushes* Thank you so much! <3


strawberrykaoru May 27 2007, 00:15:43 UTC
YAY!! I hate those tests, not that I do any of them, but I'm not a big fan of those either. xDD Making sense? Nope, I didn't think so. Anyhoooooooo! Does this mean you'll update more now? *nudgenudge* >3>

Oh, finals... HAHAHAHAHAHA mine's in a month and I haven't started studying. ;___;

*pokes* What school problem?


pandarot May 27 2007, 19:52:52 UTC
Haha, same here. XD;; We don't have that kind of test in the Philippines, although I find the tests here a lot easier. I mean, you just have to bubble in the answers and stuffs. XD;; And yes, it does make sense. XD;;

I think we're going to start ours in June, but we're going to have some preparations to do for the finals this week. XD;; Mine doesn't require any studying, except for US History. Most of them are presentations, so I'll have to practice my speaking skills and learn to talk clearer. XD;;

Err, sorry about that. ^^;; I was supposed to make a post about that after I finish catching up a few weeks ago, but when I commented on artificial_yum's and bathala's LJs, I don't know. I just started crying. Literally. Yeah, it's corny, but their words really helped me to feel better, so I never bothered posting about it in here anymore. ^^;;
I'll just cut everything I said in Tabe's LJ. Just highlight it because...yeah. ^^;;
#1: I don't think it's easy to accept the fact that I was moved back to 10th grade just because I don't have enough credits ( ( ... )


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