
Jan 31, 2006 09:48

wow so I dont even know where to start I have so many thoughts and feelings going around in my head and in my heart. I dont even know what I believe anymore. I wish I just had all the answers but I dont have a clue. I dont know where to go or what to do or how to snap out of this blurry dismal state I seem to be stuck in. I was kinda hoping that I ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

Wow. girliegirl6486 January 31 2006, 16:59:51 UTC
I seriously feel the same way you do right now. I've been stuck in a blurry dismal state for weeks now...it sucks.

Props to the "Dez's music," LOL...

See you in COMD.


thelostgirl January 31 2006, 18:01:21 UTC
panda.. sorry about all that.. and i know i always tell you to go for it and be optomistic. but there's only so much some one can take right?

i guess this one is on you and how much more you can handle. i still say be optomistic.

we'll talk and i'll share my woes with you and maybe we can help eachother? lol

i'll be optomistic too


ledbythelight January 31 2006, 18:44:32 UTC
Manda, you know what I'd say. Love you.


elprincess February 2 2006, 03:22:11 UTC
Hi, Miss Manda. So, here's the scoop...your advice when I was freaking out before helped me to an infinite measure. Thank you for listening, you rock, and since then I have been able to put the whole thing behind me. Experience is such an amazing teacher. And when you don't know what experience is trying to tell you, you turn to the people you know and love and trust. That's what I did, and I'm glad I did. Thank you.

P.S.-- I know sometimes life seems incorrigable and messy and blurry and screwed up. But something about time unwinds most confusion. :)


smurfbass February 4 2006, 07:35:18 UTC
dude, you took the entry right out of my hands. except for the three more classes part. We need to have coffee....SOOON!
much love


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