wow so I dont even know where to start I have so many thoughts and feelings going around in my head and in my heart. I dont even know what I believe anymore. I wish I just had all the answers but I dont have a clue. I dont know where to go or what to do or how to snap out of this blurry dismal state I seem to be stuck in. I was kinda hoping that I
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Comments 8
Props to the "Dez's music," LOL...
See you in COMD.
i guess this one is on you and how much more you can handle. i still say be optomistic.
we'll talk and i'll share my woes with you and maybe we can help eachother? lol
i'll be optomistic too
P.S.-- I know sometimes life seems incorrigable and messy and blurry and screwed up. But something about time unwinds most confusion. :)
much love
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