I'm going to start a branch of PETA at AIPX. An alarming issue is present every single day at my school. This is a very serious matter!
So. It has been brought to my attention that an alarming number of “furries” attend my school. I think it is a travesty that PETA hasn’t been alerted to this matter! Yes, fish do have feeling… but so do doggie and kitties! WE NEED TO STOP THIS! Think of the animals! While skinning them is horrible… What these furries do…
The Animals suffer the worst in this situation. I mean, not only do these people give them a horrible name these people put them into horrible situations. We cannot let this horrid game continue!
So, I will do my part and join PETA. I will stop this alarming problem! With the help of my paint throwing, paper burning, mind washing friends at PETA.
If you would like to join this cause, please comment. I know if we work together we can put a stop to this problem!
I know you will all do your part!
With Sarcastic love,
Why hasn't PETA been alerted! I'm sure this is a cause they would burn anime stores down for! COME ON PETA!