Title: A Vessel's Hands
Rating: PG
Pairing: None
Spoilers/Warnings: Angst.
Summary: In the end, Michael couldn't do it.
Notes: Originally written for
In the end, Michael couldn't do it.
He could (and did) defeat his brother, forcing Lucifer back into his box. But he couldn't bring himself to kill his brother. And when the time came that it was either that or admit defeat, Lucifer himself offered the solution.
Maybe it was because he'd been in Nick and then Sam long enough. Maybe it was a whimsy, something the devil had thrown out on chance. Whatever the reason, the fact was that the devil had figured out the solution to his own defeat.
Still, though, Michael couldn't bring himself to carry out the sentence and there was no one else able.
Then Sam surprised everyone by still be aware. Lucifer had talked to him some, in the beginning, but the human soul had gradually just merged into the greater whole of the archangel's grace.
I'll do it.
Lucifer had gone quiet, but Michael nodded.
"Do it," he commanded.
Sam shifted around, saw the angel in his body, saw where the "wings" sprouted and grew from. Imagined himself hands and reached out.
The devil's screams would echo in his nightmares for years afterwards.