I've put off posting about the finale long enough to let my feelings for it kinda jell.
To sum up my feelings in one line -
Huh, so that's how they ended it?
I know lots of people either loved or hated it, but I'm ambivalent about it. And that makes me sad, I've devoted time and emotion to the show and the characters and at the very end all I have is a "Bleh" feeling about the finale. The finale didn't ruin the whole show for me as it did some, but I feel let down by it. I would have prefered to either love it or hate it than just have luke warm/cold feelings toward it.
What I liked -
1) Apollo with long hair in flight suit, can we just say HAWT!!!!
2) Lee's excitement about talking about exploring the planet. We've so rarely seen him genuinely happy in the show. Didn't like the look on his face when looking for Kara and realizing she was gone, more on this later.
3) Romo as President of the Colonies, that just made me smile. And he still had Jake :).
4) Admiral Hoshi and loved when he gave Adama the Admiral rank pins back, Hoshi soooo did not want to be Admiral.
5) Kara running around being a bad ass, which never gets old.
6) Lee leading the marines, loved seeing the different side of Lee with the trial and politics, but it was nice to see Captain Apollo one last time.
7) Helo didn't die, I was worried after he got shot.
8) Admiral Adama saying "Mr. Anders will pilot the Galactica/Fleet into the sun." First no more Blanders, second Blanders was dropped from the fleet, no more Lt. Anders.
9) I'll admit it, I liked Racetrack, other than her stupidity with the mutiny, so I like that even in death she nuked the Cylon Colony. Even though as a plot point that is SOOOOO contrived as to be unbelievable.
10) Adama and Roslin having their moment in the sun and Adama putting his wedding ring on her. But couldn't he have done it while she was alive to appreciate the gesture?
11) I liked that Kara found peace, just not what happened next.
12) The bit with Baltar and Caprica Six seeing Head-Baltar and Head-Six and checking to see that the other saw them too, just a bit of levity in the fighting.
13) Boomer redeeming herself. And she did keep her word to Adama. I always felt that Boomer got the short end of the stick. In many ways Athena got to live Boomer's life and if I was Boomer I'd be bitter about it too.
14) Cavil shooting himself. He was such the numbers/logic guy that it made perfect sense, he wouldn't even conceive that there might be some miraculous way out.
15) Athena, Helo and Hera as a family again.
Things I didn't like -
1) I really don't like that we didn't get an answer to Kara's "What am I?" It feels like a bit of a cop out to have killed her off and bring her back just to have her be "an Angel" in Baltar's opinion. They set something up that they had no way to resolve, so it makes Kara's death and rebirth seem more like a stunt to shock people and get ratings.
2) I didn't expect L/K to get a happy ending (hence my last vid) so that really doesn't bother me, I knew we wouldn't get it. I am irked that the only couples that actually got a happy ending were either Cylon/Cylon or Cylon/Human pairings, so what, the Human/Human pairings don't deserve a happy ending? It may not have been what they were trying to convey but Roslin dies, no surprise, and Kara, if she was still human, and Lee don't get together, so there was no human couple that we were invested in that got a happy ending on Earth.
3) Lee basically ended the series like he began, he was alone. Sure he'd accepted his feelings for Kara and made peace with his dad but he doesn't have anyone. So the guy who mostly tried to do the right thing gets nothing and no one.
4) For Baltar and Caprica Six genocide pays off, they get to have a life together. No repercussions for their actions.
5) Kara went poof in a writers moment of "Oh shit, don't really have a way out of the corner we painted ourselves into." So we'll just have her disappear in the middle of a conversation. They set up a special destiny from the beginning and imo did nothing with it.
6) Kara really is only okay with the dead guys. She cries over leaving Blanders and tells him she loves him, but just bails on Lee. No it was nice knowing you, no I know your father just bailed on you so I'll be here for a bit to help you through. Just poof. And then again, was it even really Kara, could have just been some construct of the Gods/God so nothing that she's said or done since she reappeared is anything Kara would have done (and since she was pretty much out of character that fits).
7) Given the very end scene I don't think that the cycle has been broken - "This has all happened before, it will all happen again." The Colonials didn't teach their history to their decedents, so how can we have learned from it. If we don't learn from it, aren't we doomed to repeat it?
And just an observation on the Chief - Dude, you are soooo unlucky in love. So he loves Boomer. She gest shot and killed by Cally. He marries Cally (and I do think he has feelings for her, just not sure he was in love with her). Cally gets blasted out the airlock by Tory. We find out in the reviel of the Final Five that the Chief and Tory were in love and an item. Booer comes back and betrays hims. He kills Tory when he finds out she killed Cally. I can so understand his going off to live on his own. He's got to figure the woman he settles down with will kill him given his past.
I haven't decided if I'm watching The Plan, gotta say the Cylons were never the draw for me, so 2 hours devoted to them not high on my list of things to do.
After the way BSG ended I'm not sure that I'll tune into Caprica either cause while they had great ideas and starting points the follow through for me was lacking. The storylines they actually resolved were not the ones that I was invested in. The storylines that I was most interested in they really didn't bother to address. And it is ultimately their story and their choice, so no I'm not screaming for blood or calling them names. But it has showed me that what they deem satisfying resolution and what I want for resolution are not on the same page. And I'm just not sure I want to put time and energy into something that for me will be ultimately unsatisfying.
All that being said, I don't regret my investment in the show, I enjoyed it a lot and I won a few vid contests :). But more important than the show are the friends I have from the show. :: hugs friends ::
You guys have made it a great ride and now we'll just have to move on to another show :).
What I'll be watching now that BSG has finished -
Law & Order: UK (Why yes, I am watching because of Jamie)
Legend of the Seeker (on the cheesy side but fun)
Shows I've let slide but may need to get recaught up on -
Dollhouse (only an ep or 2 behind so this one will be easy to get caught up on)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Anyone have any suggestions as to anything I should add to the list?