Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
One II.
Two III.
Three ;; About yourself
Name: Aya
Stamped as:
Gilbert Nightray ;; On to the theme questions
What are three things you hate in a person? : Back-stabbing, people who think the world revolves around them, and those who look down on others.
What are three things you like? : Integrity, loyalty, and a good sense of humor.
Have you gotten yourself into a very problematic argument before? and over what? : I don't think it counts, but my family and I tend to have different ways of looking at things. They have their values and mine are opposite, most of the time. As such, we tend to argue over whose values are more correct. Sadly, I'm not that articulate and am forced to concede. OTL
;; The This or That
What trait in a person annoys you more:
Short-tempered or cold? Short-tempered. I know I can be short-tempered, but not to the point where I'm raging at everyone and everything for little to no reason. (There's a reason why I tend to hate on the "tsundere" archetype.)
Abrasive or a poser? Poser, I suppose. I have issues with people who try and talk smart about something, yet they have no idea what they're talking about at all.
Arrogant or stuck up? I hate arrogance, but stuck up people annoy me to no extent. (Usually, I find arrogance and snobbishness go hand in hand.) I just can't help but wonder what those people get out of looking down on others. It's just so...mind-boggling.
Blunt or sarcastic? I'm okay with both of these. We need people who aren't afraid to "tell it like it is". And who isn't sarcastic? XD
;; In-Universe -By this time Zaphir's brain died-
Would you ever go against your superiors? and if you would, for what reason? I would go against my superiors, if they asked me to do something I'd find to be completely out of line. I know that orders are absolute, but I also think that there are times when one should draw the line.
Make up your own chain and describe what it's main power/ability is: Uh...a giant mecha, with powers that break common sense and help people see the truth! LOL I suck at being creative! XD
Who are two people you think you'd have problems with? Eliot and...Ada, perhaps. They're both completely opposite, but they represent two opposite archetypes that annoy me: the arrogant hot-head and the damsel in distress.
and who do you think would share the same opinion with you for the above? Alice!
;; Misc.
Any problems with the questions? None at all.
Any suggestions that could help improve the comm? Not at the moment.
Anything else? Nope!