Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
Name/Nickname: Midori
Age: 15
Likes: books, animanga, sweets, ice cream, cake, coffee, bubble tea, tea in general, food in general, traveling, ~*adventure*~, lolita-style clothes, cheesy romantic movies, music, turtles, cats, hamsters
Dislikes: lol this is hard XD; corn, math, homework, boring and very routine work, bossy people, naggers
Interests/Hobbies: sleeping, daydreaming(lmao are these even hobbies? XD;), writing fiction and fanfiction, playing around with GIMP and SAI, doodling, reading, surfing the internet, photography
Please describe your personality: I'm very quiet and shy when I'm around new people but I warm up and make new friends easily. And I become really chatty when I'm around people I'm close with. I think I self esteem coz I usually get really affected when people criticize me and I'm always thinking about what others are thinking about me. I also worry a lot especially for the people close to me and am very pessimistic but I appear really cheerful and optimistic because I smile a lot. orz I don't make sense. I'm also very laid-back and lazy. |D
Please describe your appearance or post a few pictures of yourself (please put pictures under a link): short?(5"2) and a bit chubby. |D straight and long black hair, slightly tan and round black eyes. (no pictures, sorry)
Leader or Follower? Follower. I find it hard to lead others because I always get pushed aside by people with stronger personalities. orz
Listener or Speaker? Listener. I think that I'm a very good listener but I can speak really well if it's about something I feel passionately in.
Persistant or Weak-willed? both I guess. I'm usually weak-willed and can easily be swayed especially if I don't feel strongly about it (whatever it is |D). But if I really believe in something, then I can be persistent.
Pessimistic or Optimistic? I appear optimistic but inside I'm really pessimistic and worry a lot even about the littlest things.
Patient or Impatient? I'm usually patient around people but I'm impatient in things like waiting in lines or waiting for someone to arrive. I get bored easily. |D
Common Sense or Book Smart? I want to say 'common sense' but sometimes I lack it. But I'm definitely not booksmart. |D
Business or Pleasure? ~*Pleasure*~ of course XD
Who is your favorite character and why? I have a lot lol. Gilbert because he's so hot and sexy yet he's also so adorable all at the same time. Eliot because I think he's really cute especially when he pretends that he's all angry but he actually cares. And Reo because I have a weakness for megane characters. X3
Who/What is your favorite Chain and why? Chesire. I guess it's because I love his character design. And I have a weakness for cats. |D
If you were in Pandora Hearts, what role would you have? as much as I want to be the *~awesome~* one, I'll probably end up as the useless character lmfao. |D
Any suggestions you would like to add? none :D
Do you have any problems with any of the questions? nope.
Anything else? I-I'm not really sure if I was supposed to tag this. orz
Would you like a anime stamp? or a manga stamp? manga. Since I haven't watched the anime yet. XD